Geely Automobile sold 817,860 vehicles from January to August, a year-on-year increase of 9%.

  International Online auto channel News: On September 6th, Geely Automobile Holdings Co., Ltd. announced the sales data of August 2021: Geely Automobile sold 88,348 vehicles in August. In the first eight months of 2021, Geely Automobile sold 817,860 vehicles, up 9% year-on-year, and achieved 53% of the annual sales target of 1.53 million vehicles. It is worth mentioning that despite the epidemic situation in some areas and the global shortage of chip supply, Geely Automobile’s retail sales in August still reached a record high in the same period.

[auto channel Information+Highlights List] Geely Automobile sold 817,860 vehicles from January to August, a year-on-year increase of 9%_fororder_image001

Geely automobile sales

  August sales data show that Geely Automobile sold 29,792 cars and 57,237 SUVs. Among them, the sales volume of Lexus brand was 6,039 vehicles, and the sales volume of Geely brand CMA high-end series "China Star" vehicles was 20,912 vehicles, which continued to lead Geely Automobile to high-end.

  In the field of new energy, the total sales volume of new energy and electrified vehicles such as Geometry A, Geometry C, Emgrand EV and Emgrand GSe in August was 8,201 units, a year-on-year increase of 24%. In August, the export sales volume was 6,225 vehicles, and the total export volume from January to August was 66,701 vehicles.

  Geely China Star continues to exert its strength. The monthly sales volume of Xingyue exceeds 10,000.

  As a masterpiece of Geely’s brand, "China Star" continued to exert its strength, and achieved a total sales of 20,912 vehicles in August, accounting for 26% of Geely’s sales in that month.

[auto channel Information+Highlights List] Geely Automobile sold 817,860 vehicles from January to August, a year-on-year increase of 9%_fororder_image002

Geely xingyue l

  Among them, Xingrui, the "China Star Flagship Family Car", continued to sell like hot cakes, with a sales volume of 9,126 cars in August and 85,553 cars from January to August, with an average monthly sales volume of over 10,000. The cumulative sales volume has quickly exceeded 100,000 cars in the 10 months since its listing, which has refreshed the speed of China Family Car with strong market performance and strong product strength and brought subversive family car experience to users.

  The sales volume of "China Star Flagship SUV" Xingyue successfully exceeded 10,000 in August, reaching 10,036 vehicles, with a cumulative sales volume of 16,095 vehicles within 40 days of listing. At present, the cumulative orders have exceeded 45,000 vehicles, and it is hard to find a terminal vehicle. With the value of 300,000-level products such as Geely Galaxy OS system, HWA high-speed driver assistance system and standard Drive-E series 2.0TD engine, Xingyue L has completely surpassed the strong joint venture brand and set a new benchmark for the high-end value of China’s flagship SUV.

  The Bo Yue family sold 17,388 vehicles in August, with a total sales volume of 154,175 vehicles from January to August, an increase of 11% year-on-year. Since its listing, the cumulative sales volume has reached nearly 1.3 million vehicles.

[auto channel Information+Highlights List] Geely Automobile sold 817,860 vehicles from January to August, a year-on-year increase of 9%_fororder_image003

Geely boyue

  Binyue sold 10,079 vehicles in August, and the total sales volume from January to August was 85,692 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 23%. With the gradual release of the new product effect of the more trendy and sporty new Binyue, Binyue’s future sales will also reach a higher level.

[auto channel Information+Highlights List] Geely Automobile sold 817,860 vehicles from January to August, a year-on-year increase of 9%_fororder_image004

Geely Emgrand

  The sales volume of Emgrand sedan in August was 14,362, and the cumulative sales volume from January to August exceeded 120,000. Up to now, the total sales volume of Emgrand family has exceeded 3.25 million in 12 years. At present, the 4th generation Emgrand has been listed. With more beautiful body, more space, better comfort, more stable handling, higher quality and stronger technology, Geely Automobile will continue to stabilize its leading position in the car market.

  Link "+"series released "European Plan" and continued to advance.

  The brand sold 6,039 vehicles in August and 132,137 vehicles from January to August, a year-on-year increase of 52%.

  In 2021, the development of the brand entered its fifth year, and the brand’s initial intention remained unchanged. In the spirit of "challenging convention", it continued to change mobile travel. On August 29th, Chengdu Auto Show, the brand-new Lectra "+"series made a heavy debut, and the new member Lectra 03+Cyan customized version and Lectra 05+ models appeared, adding more cars to the China performance car track, which helped the Lectra brand to move up. Lingke 06 also launched a pink model, boldly adopting the matching of pink and purple, which is soft and powerful, showing the design attitude of "powder has power".

[auto channel Information+Highlights List] Geely Automobile sold 817,860 vehicles from January to August, a year-on-year increase of 9%_fororder_image005

Lingke brand

  In August, 900 Lectra brand cars (Lectra 01 HEV and Lectra 01 PHEV) were exported to the European market, and Lectra brand cars were exported to the Asia-Pacific region for the first time. From January to August, the total export volume of Lectra brand cars was 5,948. Lectra’s experience store in Antwerp, Belgium officially opened on August 14th, which is the third offline experience store that Lectra opened in Europe within one year after the Amsterdam experience store in October 2020 and the Gothenburg experience store in January 2021. Link plans to open four more experience stores before the end of the year, which are located in Berlin, Germany, Barcelona, Spain, Paris, France and Milan, Italy. The Berlin experience store will meet European consumers on September 17th.

  "Energy Storm" design style released new Bo Yue X and Emgrand L debut.

  At the 2021 Chengdu Auto Show, Geely Automobile officially released a new design style "Energy Storm" created by integrated users. This design style and the "energy chord" design style represented by Xingrui and Xingyue L will coexist in the market to meet the diversified and personalized aesthetic needs of users.

[auto channel Information+Highlights List] Geely Automobile sold 817,860 vehicles from January to August, a year-on-year increase of 9%_fororder_image006

Geely bo yue x

  The two design styles of "energy storm" and "energy chord" are different interpretations of the energy field form by Geely designers. Relatively speaking, the design style of "energy chord" is more calm and atmospheric, and the new design style of "energy storm" is more dynamic and cool. Bo Yue X, which has already made its debut at Chengdu Auto Show, became the first SUV with the design style of "Energy Storm". Emgrand L based on BMA architecture will be the first car built with the design style of "Energy Storm".

[auto channel Information+Highlights List] Geely Automobile sold 817,860 vehicles from January to August, a year-on-year increase of 9%_fororder_image007.

Jili dihao l

  Jiaji Platinum with the design style of "energy chord" will also be launched this year. The new car has undergone 37 product upgrades and evolutions in terms of styling, health and comfort, adding a new color of "Klein Blue", and the whole system is equipped with a comprehensive antibacterial interior, bringing users a healthy and comfortable "Clean space".

[auto channel Information+Highlights List] Geely Automobile sold 817,860 vehicles from January to August, a year-on-year increase of 9%_fororder_image008.

Jili jiaji

  According to the outline of the five-year development plan recently released by Geely Automobile Group, by 2025, the market share will rank first among China brands, and the sales volume will reach 3.65 million vehicles (including krypton vehicles), among which smart electric vehicles will account for more than 30%. Geely Automobile will continue to optimize its products, constantly improve its structured product layout, actively expand overseas markets, and further increase the sales of pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles. (Source: Geely Automobile)