The police said that Mingdao brother killed his wife and children violently, and the last words in his mobile phone were exposed

On January 5, the news that actor Ming Dao’s brother committed suicide after strangling his wife and children shocked the Taiwan entertainment industry.

It is reported that the Neihu police in Taipei City received a report from the public on the 5th, saying that three bodies were found in the mountainous area of Antai Street with ligature marks on the neck. After receiving the report, the police dispatched supervisors and sealed off the scene, confirming that the three deceased were a husband and wife surnamed Lin and a child, and the male deceased was Ming Dao’s brother.

The police found in the phone of the man surnamed Lin that he had revealed his intention to die to a friend, saying that he owed tens of millions of dollars in debt, and his family blamed "I don’t want to live for a long time, I want to die". The police speculated that the man surnamed Lin strangled his wife and son because he could not pay the debt, and then hanged himself.

Then the police also revealed more details.

On the 5th, at noon, Mingdao brother, his wife Chen, and his junior son (12 years old) rode a motorcycle to the front of the Ford Palace, Lane 191, Antai Street, Inner Lake District. They parked the locomotive, and then followed the mountaineering trail next to them. After walking about 200 meters, Lin Nan walked into the barge next to the mountaineering trail and went down to the bamboo forest next to the hillside.

Lin Nan tied his son and wife’s necks with an electrician’s strap and strangled them to death. The children’s necks oozed blood on both sides of their necks, and Lin Nan hanged himself. The means are very fierce and cruel.

The Mingdao brother seemed to have already thought about the funeral. When the police arrived, they found that his mobile phone was fully charged and unlocked. Then the police found his conversation with his friends and revealed that he was in debt and was forced to pay. He bluntly said that he did not want to live.

After the incident, Mingdao responded to the incident and confirmed the news that his brother had committed suicide with his wife and children.

Mindao said: "The current situation in Mindao is very shocking and sad. I don’t know anything about this case and am trying to understand what happened. However, because I respect the law that the prosecutors’ investigation is not public, I can only speak to the police in the future. I will try my best to assist the prosecutors in sorting out the truth and comfort the family."

Mingdao’s father has also arrived at the police station, and a female family member has also appeared. It is reported that she is Mingdao’s sister. She is extremely unstable and burst into tears at the scene.

In this regard, netizens felt sorry for Ming Dao, feeling that he was too unlucky to meet this family.

In 2013, Mingdao’s brother borrowed money everywhere in the name of his younger brother. The creditor once had an event to ask Mingdao to collect debts in person. Mingdao could only repay 6 million of debts for his brother. At that time, Mingdao once described his brother as a "time bomb in the family" at a press conference. However, Mingdao’s brother still did not stop his gambling habit. In 2016, the same situation occurred. Mingdao had to issue a statement to make his brother responsible.

It was well known that Ming Dao’s family was not well off. His parents supported the family by selling vegetables in the early years, but later became indebted due to business failure. He made his debut at the age of 18 to pay off debts, and then took charge of the family’s life.

Of course, the reason why Ming Dao was so caring and attentive to his brother was also because he had been kind to his brother. It is reported that Ming Dao once revealed that he had muscle weakness when he was in kindergarten, and he relied on his brother to carry him to and from school every day, which made him very grateful. When his brother grew up and got married, he also took care of the marriage expenses. It can be seen that the relationship between brothers is very deep.

Now that such a thing happened, it was very surprising. But as netizens said, it was not a disaster for his wife and children, and Brother Mingdao’s extremism was really shocking.

How are the female stars affected by Edison Chen’s "door incident" doing now?

The "Door Incident" has passed for more than ten years.

Chen, crown, hope, wine is beautiful in Chen, people are led by crown, and things are expensive. Chen Guanxi, who has such an extraordinary name, has swept the Chinese entertainment industry, and the beauty of the prosperous world has turned all living beings upside down.

But after the "door incident", whenever the three words Edison Chen were mentioned, almost everyone would show a mysterious and ambiguous smile on their faces.

Now that 14 years have passed, Edison Chen has his own happy family and lovely daughter. He has let go of himself and let go of the past.

The right and wrong of that year have now turned into clouds and smoke, and those female stars who were initialized in the tide of public opinion when the incident broke out, Edison Chen did not harm their hearts, but inadvertently reversed the trajectory of their lives.

Their lives have also been dealt a huge blow as a result. Divorce, retirement, ridicule, ridicule, and the pressure of boiling public opinion are unimaginable to non-parties, and some people can’t bear the pressure to retreat and become ordinary people.

How are they doing now?

Cecilia Cheung did end her marriage because of this incident. Although Nicholas Tse firmly chose to stand side by side with her to withstand the storm of public opinion and did not abandon her.

But what man in the world can tolerate his wife’s private photos being spread by the public? What’s more, she is not the white moonlight he hides deep in his heart.

So this romantic affair finally ended in parting ways. They parted ways and started their own new love and life.

Oh, no, Nicholas Tse still chose the "old" relationship. After going around in circles, he finally returned to his old love, Faye Wong.

For Chen Edison, who had no intention of hurting herself, Cecilia Cheung chose to let go and forgive. The two can take selfies and talk happily when they meet. Despite the failure of the marriage, her three sons will eventually become a more solid and unchanged support in her life than her lover and husband.

Gillian is not as calm as Cecilia Cheung appears on the surface. It took her many years to repair her wounds and stand in front of the public with a strong posture.

But every time I talk about the past, I can’t help but shed tears.

At the beginning, public opinion was like a sea of waves, and Gillian, who had always shown a pure image, suffered more violent public opinion attacks than any of the parties. As a result, her career was interrupted, and she once washed her face in tears and lived like a year.

Only later did she slowly return to the public eye, and she no longer shied away, but the scars in her heart still existed in a form visible to the naked eye.

In "I Am an Actor," her performance of Ruan Lingyu won unanimous praise, and I believe no one knows "fearsome words" better than her.

But this painful experience was not entirely meaningless, at least it taught her to be strong.

It is said that Gillian once met Edison Chen on a plane, and Edison Chen wrote a long apology letter to her.

Although times have changed and the damage caused can no longer be repaired, Gillian said, "The late apology letter is better than no, and it is a comfort to me."

In 2018, Gillian finally met the right love (it still seems "wrong"), and entered the marriage hall with Lai Hongguo, the "male god of medicine" in Taiwan.

Xie Liqiao, the Hong Kong computer repairman who caused the photo to be leaked at that time, has disappeared since the incident, but at that time, he opened an account to send blessings to Gillian to express his apologies for being late.

He wrote that after 9 years, you finally got married, and I’m sorry for you.

For Gillian, this sentence must be the same as Edison Chen’s apology letter. Although it doesn’t help, it is better than nothing.

As MaggicQ (Li Meiqi), a sexy idol who was once known as "Hong Kong men want to hug the most", was Wu Yanzu’s girlfriend at that time. The two were a golden boy and a jade girl made in heaven, but later broke up for unknown reasons. It is said that Wu Yanzu was heartbroken at the time.

After the "Door Incident", although MaggieQ denied having anything to do with it, both its popularity and reputation have plummeted since then, and they can only live abroad, gradually disappearing from everyone.

Later, she kept a low profile a lot, but the age-old MaggieQ is still a Muse-like existence in the hearts of fans.

However, time is ruthless, MaggieQ, who has just completed fitness, has been photographed by entertainment records without makeup, although the amount of hair is still amazing, but the once recognized mixed-race beautiful woman not only has a decline in appearance, but now looks like some men.

Some people even commented that she bumped into Wu Jing’s face.

Looking back at the photo of her and Edison Chen back then, it was really sighing. At that time, Edison Chen’s face was like a crown jade, and MaggieQ’s face full of collagen was as pure as morning dew, which was really a perfect match for the beauty of the prosperous world.

It is inevitable that people will sigh, beautiful women are hard to come by.

In 2006, Edison Chen played the leading role in Jolin Tsai’s MV, and the two collaborated for the first time, causing a scandal.

She also praised Edison Chen’s eyes, which made her almost unable to resist.

In 2007, the two also walked on the same stage as endorsing a jeans brand. After the "door incident" broke out, Jolin Tsai was also insinuated as one of the heroines, which troubled her for a time.

But in 2010, the two walked the same stage again for the endorsement brand, and Jolin Tsai said in an interview that he was very happy to see Edison Chen "the return of the king".

But whether it was on the catwalk or in the interview, the two "skillfully" avoided it to avoid embarrassment.

Over the years, Jolin Tsai, a young Asian diva, has focused on her career and advanced her singing skills. Although she has not yet walked the red carpet, her popularity is high and her career has always been prosperous. She has basically not been affected by the "door incident".

When the "door incident" just happened, as a friend in the circle, Joey Rong still stood up to support Gillian under layers of pressure, hoping to use her actions to cheer up her embattled friend.

But unexpectedly, as the incident continued to ferment, she herself was also involved.

A newspaper suddenly published a suspected indecent photo of Joey Yung, causing waves in the "door incident".

But there are also many readers who express doubts, because the so-called leaked photos have obvious PS traces, and there is only one photo, which does not seem to explain any problems.

Joey Yung herself and the company she belongs to have also taken a cold treatment and have never come forward to clarify the explanation.

Judging from the fact that Joey Yung was invited to participate in CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala performances many times later, it should be false.

Although the current Joey Rong was still single, she should not feel empty, lonely and cold with a prosperous career.

Yang Yongqing is probably the most regrettable of all the women affected by the "door incident".

Strictly speaking, she is not a female star. But because she is Yang Shoucheng’s niece, she has something to do with the entertainment industry.

It was also because of her father’s relationship that her photo quickly disappeared.

She is Chen Edison’s openly admitted genuine girlfriend, with a sweet appearance and gentle appearance.

Chen Edison was really serious about her. He once said that if he earned 20 million dollars, he would officially marry her. After the incident, the first thing he did was to fly to the United States to explain to Yang Yongqing.

But some things happen and can never go back to the past. It is said that Edison Chen was heartbroken and even hoped to save his girlfriend by cutting his wrists and self-harming.

Now that the two have parted ways, they have each found a good person to marry and start a family, and the years are quiet.

Chen Wenyuan, once a Hong Kong singer dedicated to the all-round development of film and television songs, but in 2005, due to dating with financial talent Jin Ziyao, he gradually retired from the circle in 2006 and prepared to become a wealthy and wealthy woman.

Unexpectedly, the 2008 incident broke out indecent photos, and the man’s mother conservatively blocked the marriage, which shattered Chen Wenyuan’s dream of a wealthy family and once fled abroad.

But five years later, a Hong Kong entertainment record photographed Chen Jin and the two still exchanging songs. Jin Ziyao also funded a crystal franchise store for Chen Wenyuan, and it seems that the relationship is still strong.

A few years later, it is said that Jin Ziyao has officially broken up with Chen Wenyuan and started to make a new girlfriend. But even so, under the influence of her boyfriend, a financial investment expert, Chen Wenyuan has also turned to finance and invested well. She wears executive brand clothes and a famous car, and has become a well-off person in the financial circle.

However, the aftereffects brought to her by that incident were still serious. She was extremely sensitive to the camera at all times, and ran away in a hurry when she saw someone taking pictures.

Zhou Liqi, a model, is tall and beautiful. In 2001, she entered the film and television industry with the movie "Jade Girl Adding Ding", and then developed into a three-dimensional film and television song.

Later, because of his cooperation with Chen Hao in "Xiucai Meets Soldiers", the ratings were all the way popular, and he also liked to mention the "Annual Leap Progress Female Artist" award, but because of his acceptance speech, there were no tears in his eyes, but he frequently wiped his face with his hands, which caused criticism.

In 2002, Zhou Liqi, who had just debuted, and Edison Chen collaborated on "100% Feeling". At that time, Chen was accused of "faking the real thing" to Zhou, and Zhou Liqi was identified as one of Chen Edison’s many scandalous girlfriends. It was also rumored that she and Chen Zhuzi were secretly married.

The "door incident" broke out, and Zhou Liqi was on the list. Shortly after the incident, Hong Kong media encountered Zhou Liqi, who was dressed in black and worried, shopping alone in Causeway Bay. When they saw the reporter approaching to visit, they were very nervous and jumped into the car and fled like an arrow.

In fact, Zhou Liqi and Chen Guanxi have a rich love history, with the second generation of officials and the second generation of rich boyfriends walking around like a marquee. They also had relationships with Hong Kong star Zheng Jiaying and mainland actor Xu Zhengxi, but in 2014 she finally met mainland actor Fu Chengpeng because of the play. At that time, Fu had a wife and children.

In 2017, Fu Chengpeng divorced. At the end of 2018, the two announced their marriage news through their agent, Huo Wenxi, and married in a low-key manner. Now they have a son and their marriage is stable.

Zhou Liqi once said that saints are also wrong, and women are not single-minded. No one can guarantee a lifetime.

From this point of view, Zhou Liqi was a frank person without putting on airs.

In 2000, Deng Lixin, who debuted as the champion of "Yes! School Flower School Grass Election", later joined the singing group Cookies as the captain.

She mainly sings, but also dabbles in film, songwriting, and publishing personal biographies.

It is said that when Teng Lixin filmed "Nine Girls and a Ghost" in 2002, she dated Edison Chen, which lasted for two years on and off. Later, she chose to quit because she did not want to tolerate Edison Chen pedal multiple boats.

After the "door incident" broke, the actresses in the Hong Kong entertainment industry who had affairs with Edison Chen were in danger, and Deng Lixin had also been on the "blacklist" speculated by the community, which worried her and her company.

But later, there was no Teng Lixin in the indecent photos, which made her escape the disaster.

But no one expected that two years after the dust seemed to have settled, a six-minute indecent video began to go viral on the Internet. The first to be exposed was an entertainment magazine in Hong Kong called "New Hope". The cover was titled "Beat Cecilia Gillian", and next to it was accompanied by a screenshot of the indecent video suspected of Deng Lixin’s appearance. According to the magazine, the video was leaked from the "police".

This made Deng Lixin, who had always taken the pure jade girl route, lose face.

Then another Hong Kong magazine published a batch of photos purportedly of Teng Lixin playing in nightclubs between 2005 and 2006, and someone also broke the news that Teng Lixin, who liked to dress up as a pure jade girl in public, stepped into the nightclub like a different person, and was known as "the little princess of the nightclub".

Under the continuous heavy hammer, Teng Lixin’s popularity fell to the bottom.

Of course, there are also people who support Teng Lixin, believing that the group of indecent photos looks very similar to Teng Lixin, but in fact it is not her, but is taken from Japanese AV works.

She herself also shouted that I am not familiar with Edison Chen at all!

Perhaps because of this, Deng Lixin often talked about Chen Edison with a clear conscience and bluntly expressed her willingness to cooperate with him again.

But over the years, Deng Lixin has experienced several relationships with Fang Lishen and the prince, but in the end, they all ended without success.

A door incident that shocked the Chinese world in 2008 directly led to the end of Cecilia Cheung’s marriage to Nicholas Tse, causing Gillian’s career to plummet.

Many other well-known or lesser-known actresses were also covered with invisible "red letters" and could not be washed for life.

Their lives have been affected and affected to some extent, and even forced to change their trajectory and direction.

The party involved in the incident, Edison Chen, also decided to quit the circle, bid farewell to his beloved acting career, and spent many years repairing his spiritual wounds.

Perhaps many of the parties are not in the wrong, despite the loss of personal morality, but you are willing to love each other, and there is no coercion.

What needs to be condemned more is the immoral person who made the photo public.

But the passage of time, everything has been settled, and nothing will help. We can only hope that the parties involved in the incident can reconcile with themselves and the world in the passage of time, and regain happiness.

I am hatred, welcome to follow.

Image source network, intrusion and deletion

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Driving an electric vehicle to spontaneously burn a car, who will bear the high compensation?

  Wen/Yangcheng Evening News reporter, Fu Yi, Guo Siqi

  Photo/Yangcheng Evening News reporter, Guo Siqi

  Recently, the Guangdong fire WeChat official account issued a notice that in early March, a private car in Huizhou City suddenly exploded while waiting for a red light, and then quickly burned and caught fire. It is understood that the vehicle was driven by a driver at the time, and the explosion caused the fire was placed in the trunk, driving a folding electric bicycle.

  Electric bicycle fire safety hazards have attracted widespread attention. The driver’s electric bicycle spontaneously ignited, causing the customer’s vehicle to be burned, who will bear the loss? How should the driver improve the safety of electric bicycles? On these issues, Yangcheng Evening News reporters conducted an investigation and interview.

  Driving: Fewer big brand electric bicycles are selected, and the battery will be replaced regularly

  Reporters searched for relevant coverage and found that the accident in Huizhou was not an isolated case. In July 2021, a woman in Zhongshan City called a driver for drinking at a dinner. The driver placed the electric bicycle behind the trunk of the vehicle. The two were about to get on the bus. Unexpectedly, the electric bicycle caught fire and caused the trunk of the vehicle to burn. Subsequently, the fire arrived in time to put out the fire.

  As the number of motor vehicles continues to increase, the market demand for chauffeur services is also increasing. When the owner is not suitable for driving due to reasons such as alcohol consumption or fatigue, choosing chauffeur services is a responsible behavior for safety. Due to the advantages of affordable and convenient electric bicycles, most chauffeurs use foldable electric bicycles as transportation tools, and place them in the trunk of the customer’s car when providing chauffeur services.

  Yangcheng Evening News reporter booked a driver service on a certain driver platform, and Master Chen, who grabbed the order, has 15 years of driving experience. He told reporters that he has been a driver for five or six years.

  The reporter observed that the folding electric bicycle used by Master Chen is relatively old in appearance, and the paint on the body is more worn. Master Chen said that the driving platform will not equip the driving personnel with electric bicycles, so they need to buy them themselves. "The car is a miscellaneous brand." When asked by the reporter how to ensure the safety of the miscellaneous electric bicycle, Master Chen said that he will go to the familiar electric bicycle salesperson to replace the battery every year.

  Mr. Chen said that the platform will take about 23% of the income of each driver. According to the agreement signed between the driver and the platform, each driver is insured. "In the event of an accident, such as scratches and collisions, it is basically insured." He also introduced that if there is a major accident, report it to the platform for insurance. After the platform handles it, the contract with the driver will be terminated, and the contract will not be signed again in the future. "So if the accident is not serious and the cost is not large, you usually lose money to solve it yourself."

  Another driver on the same platform, Master Peng, did not disclose the brand of electric bicycles he uses. He introduced that when signing a contract with the platform, the platform will provide relevant training for each driver, including requiring the driver to buy a 3C-class electric bicycle and maintain it frequently to ensure the safety of the electric bicycle. "We usually change the battery more than once a year. The key is not to modify it, and it is more dangerous to modify it."

  He also mentioned that when signing a contract, he has to pay the platform a fee of one or two thousand yuan, part of which is the insurance fee. "It is said that the maximum insurance can be two or three million yuan."

  Expert: The quality of the driver’s folding car is uneven, and regular maintenance and self-inspection are required

  According to authoritative data, the current domestic electric two-wheeler market has exceeded 300 million, and the market size of China’s electric two-wheeler industry has reached the world’s first. According to the 2021 national fire rescue team response and fire situation data released by the Fire and Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Emergency Management, there were 748,000 fires reported by the national fire rescue team in 2021, including nearly 18,000 fires caused by electric bicycles and their battery failures and 57 deaths.

  Lan Shiyou, executive chairperson of the Guangdong Electric Vehicle Chamber of Commerce, introduced that the folding electric bicycles are a niche category in the industry, and the production enterprises are mostly small and medium-sized, so the quality is uneven. In addition, the folding electric bicycles have rigid requirements for batteries, such as long battery life and small size, so there are situations in the market where vehicles are illegally modified to extend the battery life. "If the quality is not up to standard and illegally modified, there is a risk of fire."

  Mr. Lan said a healthy battery would be safe in the face of vibration during driving because manufacturers take into account the vibration intensity under normal driving conditions. "However, if the electric bicycle itself has safety hazards such as loose wiring and illegal modification, coupled with bumps and vibrations during driving, there is a risk that the battery will short-circuit and cause a fire."

  In addition, Lan Shiyou stressed that the poor maintenance of electric bicycles is another cause of fires. "Maintenance includes regular battery replacement, self-inspection of vehicles, etc. At present, many owners lack awareness of maintenance, but this is very important."

  Most electric bicycles use lithium batteries, "and the characteristics of lithium batteries themselves are that they are more prone to energy overflow." Therefore, at present, it is unrealistic to completely eliminate lithium battery fires. But there are still many ways to greatly avoid electric bicycle fires.

  Lan Shi has suggested that when buying an electric bicycle, you should try to choose a big brand, that is, a 3C certified vehicle, and replace the battery regularly, and do not illegally modify the electric bicycle. Secondly, electric bicycle owners can check whether the vehicle line is aging and off-line, whether the connector is loose, and whether the battery part is bulging, leaking, damaged, etc. Self-test.

  In addition, he believes that the driving platform should strengthen supervision. "The platform can centrally purchase folding electric bicycles with guaranteed quality for the driving riders, form cooperation with the electric bicycle brands, and tailor the driving models with longer battery life; or collect the brand, model and photos of the driving riders’ electric bicycles in a timely manner, and determine whether the vehicles have safety hazards through the identification of technical experts."

  Lawyer: The owner can ask the platform for compensation, and the platform can recover if the driver is responsible

  The fire that took place in Huizhou in early March, according to the photos leaked after the incident, showed that the vehicle was almost burned out, leaving only the outer frame. According to some netizens, the car itself is worth a lot, and it will be a lot of money to recover compensation.

  If a car owner encounters such an incident, how should they protect their rights and interests? What responsibilities should the driver and the driver platform bear? The reporter asked the lawyer about relevant legal issues.

  Lawyer Zhou Hao, a senior partner of Yingke Guangzhou, introduced that legal liability should first be distinguished. If the authoritative department identifies that the cause of the accident is the quality of the electric bicycle itself causing the fire, then the driver should be held responsible. At the same time, the driver can recover from the seller or manufacturer who purchased the electric bicycle.

  Liao Taoye, deputy director lawyer of Guangdong Datong Law Firm and secretary-general of the Lawyers Research Association of Guangdong Law Society, believes that the driver platform should bear compensation for the incident. After the driver platform compensates, if the driver is responsible, the driver platform can recover compensation from the driver.

  "When a car owner places an order on the driving platform, a service contract relationship is actually formed with the driving platform. The owner is obliged to pay the driving fee, and the driving platform is obliged to assign the driver to complete the driving service and safely send the car to the place designated by the owner." According to Article 186 of the Civil Code, if the personal rights and property rights of the other party are damaged due to the breach of contract of one party, the injured party has the right to choose to ask it to bear the liability for breach of contract or tort liability. "Therefore, in this incident, if the vehicle is damaged due to the driver assigned by the driving platform, it is a breach of contract by the driving platform, and the driving platform shall compensate the owner for the loss."

  As a new business model, the relationship between the driving platform and the driving personnel is still controversial. Liao Taoye believes that according to the current common platform dispatch, driving, and platform commission models, the driving platform and the driving personnel may be both labor and employment relationships. That is, the driving behavior of the driving driver is his duty behavior, and the driving platform shall bear the consequences. If the driving driver is obviously at fault in performing his duties, the driving platform can recover compensation from the driving driver after compensating the owner for the loss.

  "If there is a labor relationship between the driving platform and the driving agent, you should buy five insurances for the driving agent. Other insurances are not yet mandatory, but it is recommended that the driving platform can purchase corresponding insurance to better protect the interests of customers, driving agents and the platform."

  Zhou Hao believes that under the employment relationship, the chauffeur platform should also purchase sufficient insurance for the chauffeur to reduce the risk, and cannot avoid responsibility in order to reduce costs. "I think in judicial practice, it should be inclined to protect the chauffeur personally."

  In such accidents, are the owners themselves responsible? Zhou Hao said that if the conclusion of the accident is clear that the fire of the electric bicycle on behalf of the driver caused the vehicle to be damaged, then the owner himself is not responsible. "The owner can fulfill the general duty of care, such as whether the driver has drunk alcohol or has a driver’s license." If the owner is required to check whether the electric bicycle has a fire hazard, it adds an obligation to the owner.

Cheaper and safer sodium ion batteries may become a new track for energy overtaking in China.

  The core of the new round of energy revolution is renewable energy generation and large-scale energy storage. Among many electrochemical energy storage technologies, sodium ion battery is one of the ideal choices for large-scale energy storage because of its rich resources, low cost, high safety, high conversion efficiency, flexibility, convenience, easy integration, fast response and maintenance-free.

  — — Hu Yongsheng, researcher of Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, founder and chairman of Zhongke Haina.

  Intern reporter Yu Ziyue

  Recently, high-tech enterprises such as Zhongke Haina Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zhongke Haina) and Huayang New Materials Technology Group Co., Ltd. hatched by Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences signed a contract with the Management Committee of Shanxi Transformation Comprehensive Reform Demonstration Zone to build a production line for anode and cathode materials of sodium ion batteries with an annual output of 2,000 tons in Taiyuan.

  On February 20th, Hu Yongsheng, a researcher at the Institute of Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the founder and chairman of Zhongke Haina, said in an interview with the Science and Technology Daily reporter that China’s sodium ion batteries are in the forefront of the world in terms of technology research and development such as material system and battery comprehensive performance, as well as in terms of industrialization speed, demonstration application, patent layout and standard formulation, and have already had the first-Mover advantage.

  New energy nova is accelerating on the road of industrialization.

  The development of fossil energy such as coal, oil and natural gas has led to the rapid development of human society, and the progress of modern non-fossil energy is also triggering a new round of energy revolution. Who will be the protagonist this time?

  The voice of lithium-ion batteries is very high. However, when lithium-ion batteries are widely used in more and more fields in China, an unavoidable problem is becoming more and more worrying — — China’s lithium resources are highly dependent on imports. It is necessary to develop energy storage battery technology which does not depend on rare resources and has low cost.

  Sodium ion battery, which is closest to lithium ion battery technology, has begun to emerge. In recent years, related achievements with independent intellectual property rights have emerged continuously. Intelligent electric bicycles, low-speed electric vehicles, home energy storage cabinets, energy storage power stations and sightseeing electric vehicles in parks/scenic spots with sodium ion batteries as the "heart" have come out one after another, and many achievements have been released for the first time in the world.

  In the "Top Ten Scientific Progress in China in 2020" recently organized by the High-tech Research and Development Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, sodium ion battery research was selected as 30 candidate results.

  As a new star of new energy, sodium ion battery is accelerating on the road of industrialization, or it will become an opportunity for China to lead a new round of energy revolution.

  "Sodium" attracts talents to make up for the lack of "lithium"

  Globally, the distribution of lithium resources is extremely uneven, with about 70% distributed in South America. Available data show that at present, 80% of lithium resources in China depend on imports.

  "Although lithium-ion batteries have become ‘, which accounts for 80% of the global electrochemical energy storage scale market; Absolute first brother ’ However, the scarcity of its resources and high cost have led to the large-scale development of its industry facing the ceiling. " Hu Yongsheng said in an interview with the Science and Technology Daily reporter.

  How to solve the problem? It is urgent to find a cheap substitute.

  Therefore, sodium ion batteries with the same working principle and similar battery components as lithium ion batteries have ushered in a great development opportunity.

  Similar to lithium-ion batteries, sodium ion batteries rely on the reversible stripping and embedding of sodium ions between positive and negative electrodes to realize the storage and output of electric energy.

  Sodium resources are extremely abundant in the earth’s crust, and the abundance of the earth’s crust is more than 1000 times that of lithium. Sodium ion batteries have shown significant advantages in cost. If the same energy is stored, the cost will be about 30% less than that of lithium ion batteries. Because of the similar battery structure, most of the existing lithium ion battery production equipment can be directly put into the production of sodium ion batteries, which further improves the cost control.

  In the process of industrialization, low price is very important, but good quality is more important. Hu Yongsheng told the Science and Technology Daily reporter that the comprehensive performance of sodium ion batteries shows multiple advantages.

  With the deepening of research, researchers found that sodium ion batteries have good power characteristics, wide temperature range adaptability, safety performance and no discharge problems. In addition, both the anode and cathode of the sodium ion battery can adopt aluminum foil current collectors, which can further improve the energy density of the sodium ion battery and make the sodium ion battery move towards the direction of low cost, long life, high specific energy and high safety.

  Hu Yongsheng, for example, now commonly used mobile phone lithium-ion batteries can be fully charged in about one hour, while sodium-ion batteries can be fully charged in ten minutes or even less. It is frequently reported that lithium-ion batteries go on strike at low temperature in winter, while the discharge characteristics of sodium-ion batteries are still very good in the environment as low as -30℃ and as high as 80℃, which shows that they are environmentally friendly, very "sturdy" and can withstand tossing. "We have done experiments, using a steel needle to pierce the sodium ion battery, artificially shorting it, and found that there was no fire or explosion."

  Cheap, "sturdy" and safe, sodium ion batteries are likely to become an important supplementary technology for lithium ion batteries in the future.

  Breaking the technical bottleneck and broadening the application scope

  Positive electrode, negative electrode and electrolyte are the three elements of sodium ion battery. Among them, most cathode materials face bottlenecks such as poor stability, short cycle life and high cost.

  In order to solve these problems, the research team of Hu Yong Sheng bypassed the high-priced elements such as nickel and cobalt, which are commonly used as cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries, and used common elements such as copper, iron and manganese, and developed a layered oxide cathode material system for sodium-ion batteries with low cost, high stability and long service life.

  Previously, the team cooperated with international scholars and published the research results on the cathode materials of sodium ion batteries for the first time in Science magazine.

  Relying on the sodium ion battery technical team of the Institute of Physics, Zhongke Haina was established in 2017, becoming the first high-tech enterprise in China to focus on the R&D and production of sodium ion batteries. At present, Zhongke Haina has been financed twice, totaling 58 million yuan, for pilot technology development, and has built a 100-ton pilot test line for anode and cathode materials of sodium ion batteries and a million ampere-hour battery core line, and developed many products, such as soft bags, aluminum shells and cylindrical batteries, with energy density of 100— Between 150 watt-hours per kilogram, it is more than 3 times that of lead-acid battery, and its cycle life is more than 4500 times. Not long ago, the Science and Technology Cooperation Center of Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission organized an expert group to accept the project it undertook. The evaluation given by the expert group was that the relevant technical indicators reached the international leading level.

  At the end of 2017, the team developed a 48V/10Ah sodium ion battery pack for electric bicycles; In 2018, the team developed a 72V/80Ah sodium ion battery pack and launched the world’s first sodium ion battery electric vehicle.

  It is reported that the team has obtained more than 20 patents authorized by China on key materials such as positive electrode, negative electrode, electrolyte, additives and adhesives (some patents have been authorized by the United States, Japan and the European Union), and published more than 100 papers in academic magazines such as Science and Nature, which have been cited for more than 10,000 times.

  These scientific research achievements will also play the role of engines, and will be transformed in a series of incubation enterprises such as Zhongke Haina, providing inexhaustible power for the commercial development of sodium ion batteries.

  High hopes are placed on scale energy storage.

  Climate change is a global problem facing human beings, so China has put forward the goal of carbon neutrality in 2030 peak carbon dioxide emissions and 2060, which also means that China’s economy and society will usher in a comprehensive low-carbon change.

  In 2017, Chen Liquan, an academician of China Academy of Engineering, put forward the idea of "electric China". This coincides with China’s advocacy of building a global energy internet to meet global power demand in a clean and green way.

  So, here’s the problem.

  Solar energy and wind energy are the main renewable new energy sources to generate electricity, but they are random, intermittent and fluctuating. Solar panels can generate electricity in sunny days and during the day, but on cloudy days and at night, they "stop eating". Wind power generation is also closely related to wind power and weather. However, nowadays, we can’t leave electricity for a moment, and we can’t stand the days when electricity is only available when the weather is "awesome".

  There is an urgent need for large-scale energy storage devices, mainly energy storage power stations, to store surplus electric energy and use it when power generation is insufficient to ensure a stable supply of electricity.

  At present, the lithium-ion battery is the "first brother" in the energy storage demonstration power station. However, due to various restrictions mentioned above, the lithium-ion battery cannot support the two huge markets of electric vehicles and large-scale energy storage at the same time. Therefore, Academician Chen Liquan and researcher Hu Yongsheng have high hopes on the sodium-ion battery.

  In 2019, Zhongke Haina launched the world’s first 100 kWh sodium ion battery energy storage power station, which realized the demonstration application of sodium ion battery in large-scale energy storage for the first time.

  "peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality are China’s solemn commitments and opportunities to lead the third energy revolution." Hu Yongsheng pointed out that the core of the new round of energy revolution is renewable energy power generation and scale energy storage. At present, the former is close to maturity, while the latter is still developing. Among many electrochemical energy storage technologies, sodium ion battery is one of the ideal choices for scale energy storage because of its rich resources, low cost, high safety, high conversion efficiency, flexibility, convenience and easy integration, fast response speed and maintenance-free.

  Due to the huge energy storage market and industrial demand, combined with China’s perfect lithium-ion battery industry chain, sodium ion batteries have already had the conditions to take the lead in realizing industrialization and commercialization in China.

  "I believe that with the strong support of the top-level planning and related policies of governments at all levels in China, with the collaborative innovation of production, learning and research and the promotion of social capital, sodium ion batteries will surely play an important role in achieving the goals of peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality." Hu Yongsheng said.

Hundreds of new cars! 2022 Chengdu Auto Show Exhibition Raiders Summary

  [car home Information] The fiery 2022 Chengdu Auto Show officially opened on August 26th! In order to help you find out where the key new cars are at this auto show smoothly, we have made a series of "Exhibition Raiders of 2022 Chengdu Auto Show", which is a "Grand Summary Catalogue", summarizing 100 new cars and introducing 10 must-see models for you. In addition, the new cars of major brands can find the corresponding jump links in the catalogue below the article. Click on the pavilion you want to go to or the brand you are interested in to jump to the corresponding "booth" instantly. Then, let’s go to the exhibition together! (Detailed booth map attached at the end of the article)

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New car exhibition strategy for 2022 Chengdu Auto Show Exhibition Hall (click to view more) Brand (click to see more) Key new car No.1 hall Lingke 2 new cars, such as LECK 01 EM-P. Faw Audi New Audi A8L and other three new cars. Jaguar/Land Rover Five new cars including the new Range Rover Sport Edition. Changchengpao Large high-performance luxury pickup truck No.2 hall Buick High-spirited Envista and other four new cars. Roewe Roewe RX9 and other two new cars. Saic Volkswagen New Tiguan L and other 3 new cars. geometry Geometric M6 and other two new cars. Saic Datong Five new cars, such as the territory. Morris Garages MG MULAN lucky Jili jiaji l No.3 hall BMW Three new cars, including the new BMW 3 Series. MINI MINI Pat Moss commemorative edition Volvo Volvo concept reclamation BYD Two new cars such as frigate 07. Tengshi Tengshi D9 and other two new cars. Cadillac Cadillac XT6 120 Anniversary Edition No.4 hall Weipai Dream production version and other two new cars. smart Smart Wizard #1 BARBUS Beijing modern Two new cars such as the new Shengda. Beijing automobile Beijing BJ60 Changan automobile Full new range PLUS run quickly Eight new cars such as Mercedes-Benz EQE. No.5 hall Chevrolet Two new cars, such as Mai Rui Bao XL Code-X modified version. Changan Auchan Chang ‘an Auchan X5 PLUS No.6 hall Faw Toyota Crown Lu Fang 2.0T model FAW-Volkswagen Two new cars, including the new Tanyue family. Jietu Jietu Dasheng i-DM and other three new cars. Jiangling Jiangling Fushun Jiangqi group Sihao loves to run 3 new cars such as S. No.7 hall Dongfeng Honda Brand-new civic e: HEV sedan edition GAC Mitsubishi New outlander Kia Quan Xin Shi bo tuo Jie Trumpchi New Chuanqi M8 and other 2 new cars. Chery Ariza 8 Xingtu New Lingyun and other two new cars. No.8 hall Genesis Janice GV80(4 seats /6 seats) tank Two new cars such as tank 500 PHEV. Infiniti QX55 Lincoln Pilotage yuanyihao Yuanhang automobile Yuanhang H9 has 4 new cars. No.10 hall Gaohe Gaohe HiPhi Z production edition Tomoji Two new cars, including Zhiji L7 new model. Weilai Weilai ET5 Ford electric vehicle Electric horse GT special edition Polar fox Alpha S/ Alpha T Little Prince Joint Edition salon Mechanon EVA version Lantu Lantu FREE DNA Hall 11 Euler Ballet cat new car color and other 2 new cars. AION Two new cars, including the new AION V Plus. Tucki Tucki G9 Hechuang Hechuang A06 Chery new energy Two new cars, including Tiggo 7 PLUS New Energy. Zero run Zero Run C01 High Performance Edition Hall 12 Lamborghini New Urus Porsche 8 Porsche "Personalized Refined Colors" models Bingley Continental GT convertible The Carnaby Lutes ELETRE designer theme Maisharui Maisha Ruitianyue and other four new cars. LUMMA LUMMA CLR X7

★ Ten must-see models

1. New BMW 3 Series
Auto show rhythm: listing
Price: 299,900-399,900 yuan

  At the 2022 Chengdu Auto Show, the new BMW 3 Series announced its price.The official guide price of all models is 299,900-399,900 yuan.As a mid-term redesigned model, the new BMW 3 Series will be fully upgraded in terms of design, intelligent interactive system and configuration.

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  Externally, the new BMW 3 Series adopts the latest family design language, and the intelligent drag reduction air intake grille designed by the star screen is matched with the brand-new "Angel Eye" LED headlights, further highlighting the sporty feeling of the new car. At the same time, M sports kit will add more high-gloss black elements, and the appearance colors of skyscraper gray and coastal blue will also give users more choices.

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  In terms of interior, the 12.3-inch +14.9-inch integrated suspended curved screen is the most remarkable change of the new BMW 3 Series center console. BMW iDrive 8.0 intelligent human-computer interaction system provides users with a simpler, easier to use and safer car experience with its driver-centered design and smarter interconnection function. A variety of driving mode options can not only adjust the dynamic response of the vehicle, but also change the display style of the central control panel to meet the more personalized needs of users.

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  In terms of other configurations, the new car comes standard with an M-sports multifunctional leather steering wheel and shift paddles, and provides up to 10 high-value highlights, such as personalized customized dark gray roof, exclusive comfort configuration in China, and advanced three-zone automatic air conditioning as standard.

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  In terms of power, the new car continues to be equipped with a B48 2.0T four-cylinder turbocharged engine, in which the power parameters of the 320/325 model are consistent with those of the current model, and the maximum power of the 330 model is 10 kW lower than that of the current model, which is 180 kW. The transmission system is matched with an 8-speed automatic manual transmission.

2. frigate 07
Auto Show Rhythm: Pre-sale
Pre-sale price: 220,000-280,000 yuan

  At the 2022 Chengdu Auto Show, BYD officially made its debut at the frigate 07. The new car is a brand-new model of BYD Ocean Network, positioned as a medium-sized SUV, and at the same time, the new car is opened for pre-sale.The pre-sale price range is 220,000-280,000 yuan.

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  In terms of appearance, the new car is highly similar to the X DREAM concept car, and the horizontal front grille is quite similar to the destroyer 05. The upper penetrating trim is connected with the headlights, and the BYD new LOGO is embedded inside, which is matched with the vertical pattern to enhance the front face gas field.

  The interior of the new car will continue BYD’s family-style design style, and the very familiar formula is only slightly adjusted at the air outlet of the air conditioner, showing a good sense of advanced. As can be seen in the details, the new car will be equipped with DiLink 4.0(5G) intelligent network connection system, HUD head-up display and face recognition function.

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  In terms of power, the new car, like BYD Tang, will provide DM-i and DM-p hybrid power systems, which are composed of a 1.5T engine and a motor. The maximum power of the 1.5T engine is 102kW, and the peak power of the front/rear motors is 145kW/150kW respectively.

3. Weilai ET5
Auto show rhythm: Weilai ET5 mirror empty powder starting

  At the just-opened 2022 Chengdu Auto Show, Weilai ET5 mirror powder, a brand-new model of Weilai Automobile, was officially released. According to previous information, the price of Weilai ET5 before subsidy was 328,000-386,000 yuan, and the battery rental scheme required 258,000 yuan, and the monthly battery fee was 980/1,480 yuan. The car is positioned as a medium-sized luxury car, and it is expected that the new car will be officially delivered in September 2022. The new car will start on September 9 and start delivery on September 30.

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  In terms of body size, the length, width and height of Weilai ET5 are 4790/1960/1499mm, and the wheelbase is 2888mm. In addition, the new car offers 9 body colors, of which the exclusive color of mirror powder is the first appearance. In terms of appearance, the front face of the new car uses Weilai’s iconic X-Bar design language, and the sliding back shape of the coupe also brings a full sense of movement to the new car.

  It is worth mentioning that Weilai ET5 can be equipped with an optional trailer hook, and its maximum total traction mass is 1.4 tons. This trailer hook does not support late addition. In addition, from the delivery time, the first batch of ET5 trailer hook versions will be delivered in December, later than the ordinary version.

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  In terms of interior, the interior of the new car is basically the same as ET7, which continues the minimalist interior style of Weilai family, just in line with the neat and dynamic appearance of Weilai ET5. Although the style is simple, the internal configuration and humanized design are in place. First, the full LCD instrument and central control panel of ET5 are the same size as ET7, which are 10.2 inches and 12.8 inches respectively. Secondly, we can see from the picture that both the buttons and the storage space have a certain sense of design.

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Weilai Weilai ET5 2022 100kWh

   In terms of power, ET5 uses the dual-motor layout of front permanent magnet synchronous motor/rear induction asynchronous motor, with total motor power of 360kW, peak torque of 700N·m, and acceleration of 0-100km/h for 4.3 seconds. The CLTC with standard battery pack (75 kWh) has a battery life of over 550 kilometers, the CLTC with long battery pack (100kWh) has a battery life of over 700 kilometers, and the CLTC with long battery pack (150kWh) has a battery life of over 1,000 kilometers.

4. Tucki G9
Auto show rhythm: starting (interior)

  At the 2022 Chengdu Auto Show, Tucki G9 made its official debut. It is positioned as a medium and large SUV, and will be launched in September and delivered in the fourth quarter.

Xpeng Motors Tucki G9 2022 Two-Drive Basic Type

Xpeng Motors Tucki G9 2022 Two-Drive Basic Type

  In terms of appearance, the new car continues the family design style of Tucki. The shape of the front face X Robot Face has gradually formed a good brand recognition with the carrying of several models. The through LED daytime running light belt is matched with large-area headlight groups on both sides, and the light source alone occupies a lot of front area. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4891/1937/1680(1670)mm and the wheelbase is 2998mm respectively.

Xpeng Motors Tucki G9 2022 Two-Drive Basic Type

Xpeng Motors Tucki G9 2022 Two-Drive Basic Type

Xpeng Motors Tucki G9 2022 Two-Drive Basic Type

  The shape of the side and rear of the car is a lot more stable. In addition, the hidden door handle, 21-inch rim and obvious wheel eyebrow design above the wheel arch all bring a good visual experience. Similarly, the design of penetrating taillights has long been commonplace in new energy vehicles, and the elements around the vehicle make it look more stable and atmospheric.

Xpeng Motors Tucki G9 2022 Two-Drive Basic Type

Xpeng Motors Tucki G9 2022 Two-Drive Basic Type

Xpeng Motors Tucki G9 2022 Two-Drive Basic Type

Xpeng Motors Tucki G9 2022 Two-Drive Basic Type

  Interior part, as a medium and large SUV, Tucki G9 is still in place in building a sense of luxury and technology. It uses a classic warm brown color scheme, which is very advanced. In addition, the three large screens on the center console are particularly bright. Functionally, they are the dashboard screen, the central control screen and the co-pilot entertainment screen in turn. In addition, with the upper calf support and the cosmetic mirror with cold and warm light adjustment, the seat position can also be "typed into the mirror", and the makeup habit sitting posture can be memorized independently, providing a comfortable experience for the female co-pilot.

  In terms of power, Tucki G9 is equipped with XPower 3.0 power system, and the maximum power of its front and rear motors is 238 HP and 313 HP respectively. In addition, in the future, the new car will be able to recharge its batteries for 5 minutes and last for over 200km. In terms of chassis, the new car will be equipped with intelligent dual-chamber air suspension to improve driving quality.

5. New Range Rover Sport Edition
Auto Show Rhythm: Pre-sale
Pre-sale price: 970-1.29 million yuan

  At the 2022 Chengdu Auto Show, Land Rover’s new generation Range Rover Sport Edition was officially unveiled.And open the pre-sale,The price range is 97.00-1.29 million yuan.. The new generation Land Rover Range Rover Sport Edition is based on the latest MLA Flex architecture, which has a positive improvement in vehicle weight, sound insulation effect and drag coefficient.

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  Land Rover did not try a very radical design language on the new Range Rover Sport Edition. The long and narrow front grille and LED headlights look like some sci-fi, but it is still easy to recognize that this is a Land Rover, and the overall value is very online.

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  The design of this car is simple and powerful, without too many decorations, but the overall texture is outstanding, which is also the difference between the previous generation Range Rover and the Range Rover Sport Edition. The dimensions of the new car body are 4946×2047×1820mm, the wheelbase is 2997mm and the wading depth is 900mm.

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  The interior style maintains the simple British style of Land Rover brand, and uses new environmentally friendly materials, wood grain and aluminum alloy to match, which looks luxurious and elegant. Digitalization has been greatly improved, thanks to the new electronic architecture (EVA 2.0). The new car will be equipped with the latest InControl OS 2.0 infotainment system, and the central control will take over most of the functions of the vehicle by the 13.7-inch PIPIPIPro HD curved touch screen, and provide Amazon Alexa intelligent voice interaction system.

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  The new Range Rover Sport Edition has four models, and the configurations from low to high are SE, DYNAMIC, AUTOBIOGRAPHY and FIRST EDITION (first edition). In terms of power, the gasoline version has three versions: P360, P400 and P530. Among them, P400 and P360 are 3.0T inline six-cylinder engines with different power adjustments, with maximum power of 360 HP and 400 HP respectively. The P530 is equipped with a 4.4T V8 engine with a maximum power of 530 HP and an acceleration time of 0-100km/h of only 4.5 seconds.

  Plug-in hybrid models are divided into P510e and P440e. The two models are equipped with plug-in hybrid systems consisting of high-power and low-power 3.0L turbocharged inline six-cylinder engines and motors, and their comprehensive power is 375kW and 324kW respectively. The battery capacity is 38.2kWh, and the pure electric cruising range of WLTP is 113km. The official estimated actual cruising range can reach 88km.

  The transmission system of all models is an 8-speed automatic gearbox. Needless to say, Land Rover’s housekeeping four-wheel drive system also comes standard with air suspension. In addition, the P530 and P510e models will also be equipped with rear wheel steering, and the steering angle of the rear wheel can reach 7.3 degrees.

6. Crown Lu Fang 2.0T

Auto show rhythm: listing
Price: 318,800-348,800 yuan

  At the 2022 Chengdu Auto Show held on August 26th, the Crown Lu Fang 2.0T model was officially launched, and the new car.A total of three models were launched.The price range is 318,800-348,800 yuan.. The main change of the new car is that it is equipped with a 2.0T turbocharged engine, and its appearance and interior are basically the same as the current 2.5L HEV model.

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  In terms of appearance, the new car still uses a hexagonal front grille, and the crown LOGO in the middle becomes a black background, which is different from the hybrid version. In the rear part, the new car is equipped with a roof spoiler with high-position brake lights, and the taillight group adopts a blackened design, and is also equipped with an exhaust layout with two sides.

FAW Toyota Crown Lu Fang 2021 2.5L HEV Four-wheel Drive Ultimate Edition

  In terms of interior, the new car is consistent with the hybrid version, and the center console is equipped with a floating central control panel, while retaining some commonly used function buttons. The crown LOGO on the three-position multi-function steering wheel is also blackened, and the front is equipped with a 12.3-inch LCD instrument, which is still very familiar.

  In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with a 2.0T turbocharged four-cylinder engine with a maximum power of 248 HP. The transmission system will be matched with an 8-speed automatic manual transmission and a four-wheel drive system.

7. Mercedes-Benz EQE
Auto show rhythm: listing
Price:528-585,000 yuan

  Before the Chengdu Auto Show, Beijing Benz EQE was officially listed, and the new car.A total of three models were launched.The price range is 528-585,000 yuan.. Based on the new generation EVA platform of Mercedes-Benz, the new car will be equipped with the latest power battery management system (BMS), and its exterior and interior are designed in a family style, which is quite small EQS.

Beijing benz EQE Guiding price car make and model Price (ten thousand yuan) 350 pioneer edition 52.8 350 deluxe edition 54.6 350 pre-special edition 58.5

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Beijing Benz EQE 2022 350 Advanced Special Edition

Beijing Benz EQE 2022 350 Advanced Special Edition

  In terms of appearance, the new car adopts the design concept of Mercedes-Benz EQ family. The fully enclosed front grille is integrated with the headlights on both sides, and the headlights are shaped in a special shape, which has good recognition. In addition, the front enclosure of the new car adopts a sharper design, and the three-stage cooling opening shape gives the new car a very good sense of movement.

Beijing Benz EQE 2022 350 Advanced Special Edition

  On the side of the car body, the new car continues the elegant body design of Mercedes-Benz, and the double waistline design further deepens the visual effect of the wide body, and the whole roof line is very smooth. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4969/1906/1509mm and the wheelbase is 3120mm respectively.

Beijing Benz EQE 2022 350 Advanced Special Edition

Beijing Benz EQE 2022 350 Advanced Special Edition

  In the rear part, the new car is equipped with a small duck-tail rear spoiler, and a through LED light group is adopted. The taillights on both sides are arranged in a longitudinal array, which is highly recognizable after lighting. The shape surrounded by the new car also has a good sense of design, which shows a good sense of integrity when matched with the rounded body.

Beijing Benz EQE 2022 350 Advanced Special EditionBeijing Benz EQE 2022 350 Advanced Special Edition

  In the interior part, the new car will be equipped with a 12.3-inch full LCD instrument panel and a 12.8-inch vertical suspended central control panel. The multi-function steering wheel adopts a three-spoke design, which is just right with the walnut trim panel, leather seats and door panels, and shows a good sense of luxury in a digital atmosphere.

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  In terms of power, Mercedes-Benz EQE three electric systems are all produced in Beijing Mercedes-Benz, and the pre-market models are all single-motor rear-drive versions. The maximum power of the permanent magnet synchronous motor can reach 215 kW and the maximum torque is 530 Nm. The NCM811 battery pack with a capacity of 96.1 kWh is adopted, which brings a maximum battery life of 752 kilometers under CLTC conditions. Subsequently, Beijing Benz will also put into production EQE 500 4MATIC models with dual-motor layout.

8. New Urus
Auto show rhythm: listing
Price: 3,297,290 yuan

  During the 2022 Chengdu Auto Show, the new Urus Performante was officially introduced to China. According to the official, the price of the car in China is 3,297,290 yuan (including VAT), and the first batch of delivery in China will be at the end of 2022.  

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  Looking at the appearance, the deep-cut lines of Urus Performante engine hatch lines extend down to the new front enclosure. The entire hatch cover, including the air outlet, is made of lightweight forged carbon fiber with the same color as the body, and visible carbon fiber is also optional. The carbon fiber front enclosure and the front splitter adopt clear new lines, and the new black air intake enhances the engine cooling effect, which also explains the super sports car inheritance of SUV to the greatest extent.

Lamborghini Urus 2022 4.0T V8 Performante

  The brand-new air curtain guides the airflow above the front wheel to conform to the aerodynamic design principle of reducing drag, and the new hatch cover air outlet is helpful to improve the overall aerodynamic efficiency and engine cooling. The wider carbon fiber wheel arch can be combined with the new 23-inch or forged 22-inch lightweight rim, and matched with titanium alloy bolts and specially made Pirelli tires.

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Lamborghini Urus 2022 4.0T V8 Performante

  Thanks to the high performance-oriented design, the tail of this model is also highly recognizable. The rear spoiler with carbon fiber riser is inspired by Aventador SVJ, which is beneficial to increase downforce. The lower rear enclosure and rear diffuser are also made of carbon fiber. As a standard configuration, the lightweight titanium Scorpio sports exhaust will stimulate Lamborghini’s unique surging sound according to the selected driving mode.

Lamborghini Urus 2022 4.0T V8 Performante

  In the interior part, the standard configuration of the cockpit is Nero Cosmus Alcantara material, with the optional new hexagonal seat stitching design, unique elements of Performante and more options including leather interior. Exclusive color and interior options include the extended application of unique elements of Performante in doors, roof trim panels, seat backs and rear panels, as well as Ad Personam advanced customization options including matte carbon fiber interior details, red door handles and customized welcome pedals with Ad Personam logo.

Lamborghini Urus 2022 4.0T V8 Performante

  The black Alcantara or leather steering wheel is decorated with matte black elements and black anodized aluminum. With the optional "Dark Kit", matte black can be extended to other interior details, including the "TAMBURO" control lever in Urus center, including control devices such as start-stop button and driving mode selector. Urus Performante adopts a brand-new HMI icon with exclusive design, which is applied to both the central control panel and the large arc-shaped interface across the whole main display screen.

Lamborghini Urus 2022 4.0T V8 Performante

  Urus Performante can output 640 horsepower, and the body weight is reduced by 47 kilograms. It takes only 3.3 seconds for this model to go 0-100 km/h, and the braking distance from 100 km/h to rest is 32.9 meters. Urus Performante can reach a peak torque of 850 Nm in the range of 2300-4500 rpm, and its benchmark linear performance also includes a top speed of 306 km/h. It is worth mentioning that in the China market, for certification reasons, the maximum output power of the new Urus Performante engine is set at 640 HP.

9, the new Civic E: HEV sedan version
Auto show rhythm: listing
Price: 159,900-187,900 yuan

  At the 2022 Chengdu Auto Show, the new Civic e: HEV made its debut and was officially listed.The new car has launched three models.The price range is 159,900-187,900 yuan.The new car is equipped with the fourth generation 2.0L i-MMD hybrid electric system, and the fuel consumption will be only 4.39L/100km.

Civic e:HEV guide price car make and model Price (ten thousand yuan) Pioneer edition 15.99 Ruili edition 17.39 Speed version 18.79

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  The exterior design of the new Civic E: HEV is highly consistent with the ordinary fuel version. However, it can be seen that the inner mesh of the front air intake grille of the hybrid version adopts a double-banner style, and the brand LOGO embedded inside is decorated with blue elements. The headlight group is still connected with the front grille to form an integrated shape, which broadens the lateral visual experience of the front of the car.

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  Its exterior rearview mirror, door handle and window frame have all been blackened, which looks younger and more dynamic. In addition, it will be equipped with 18-inch double five-spoke wheels. As for the body size, its length, width and height are 4674/1802/1415mm(1420mm) and its wheelbase is 2735mm.

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  The rear of the car is the biggest difference between the appearance and the fuel version. The hidden exhaust layout is adopted below, and the E: HEV logo is added. In addition, it still retains the design of black spoiler and blackened taillights, and the whole still has a certain sense of movement.

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  The overall layout of its interior is basically the same as that of the fuel version. It is equipped with a floating central control panel, an all-LCD instrument panel with a three-spoke multi-function steering wheel, and the central control is equipped with a penetrating air conditioning outlet design, which shows a good sporty atmosphere as a whole.

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  In terms of power, the new car is equipped with the fourth generation i-MMD dual-motor hybrid system, a 2.0L naturally aspirated four-cylinder engine code-named LFB15 and an electric motor, in which the maximum power of the engine is 143 horsepower, the comprehensive fuel consumption of WLTC is 4.39L/100km, and the transmission system will match the E-CVT transmission.

10. finidi QX55.
Auto show rhythm: listing
Price: 389,800-475,300 yuan

  At the 2022 Chengdu Auto Show, British finidi’s first coupe SUV, British finidi QX55, was officially launched.The new car has launched four models.The guiding price range is 389,800-475,300 yuan..The down payment for new cars is 40%, and the interest rate is 0 for 24 issues. Owners in Britain and finidi enjoy a replacement subsidy of 12,000 yuan, while owners of other brands enjoy a replacement subsidy of up to 10,000 yuan. The top 55 owners enjoy free basic maintenance for life, and the engine+transmission is guaranteed for life.

Finidi QX55 guide price. car make and model Price (ten thousand yuan) Brilliant edition 38.98 Four-wheel drive version 42.88 Four-wheel drive edition 45.53 Four-wheel drive luxury edition 47.53

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  In terms of appearance, as a coupe SUV, finidi QX55 and QX50 are built on the same platform. In contrast, the former is more flamboyant in appearance, and the brand-new front grille middle net is matched with the C-shaped shape surrounding the front two sides, which looks more youthful and dynamic. As a coupe SUV, the car-side slip-back style is essential. On the QX55 in Britain and finidi, the overall lines look smooth and elegant, and converge with the straight waistline on the small duck wing at the rear of the car. The overall appearance is still in place in terms of sports sense.

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  The interior is basically the same as QX50, and the passionate red and black contrast colors are used in color matching, which is in place visually. In other respects, it is familiar to us, such as the two screens on the center console, but the UI and functionality of the interior are somewhat out of date, and this part is obviously not sincere with those changes in appearance.

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  In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with VC-TURBO 2.0T engine and variable compression ratio technology, with a maximum power of 200 kW and a peak torque of 380 Nm. In terms of transmission, it is matched with CVT continuously variable gearbox. In addition, the new car will also be equipped with L2 intelligent driver assistance system.

● Conclusion

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The movie "Charles IX" issued a new poster to create a new world of summer adventure.

Poster of the movie "Charles IX" and "Conquering Atlantis"

Poster of the movie "Charles IX" and "Conquering Atlantis"

Today, Charles IX, the first fantasy film for teenagers in China, released a poster of "Conquering Atlantis", dedicated to every curious, brave, companion and dreamy teenager. In the poster, four post-05 teenagers and Charlie, the boss of the dog industry, teamed up to explore in different adventure scenes, showing an adventurous state of being fearless and United. At the same time, this poster also shows the key special effects scenes in the film by hand for the first time, which makes people daydream.

The film is adapted from the best-selling book "Everyone after 00", directed by Wang Jing, a director with high reputation in Chinese, and combined with the young fresh face after 05 and the powerful adult actor Qin Hao. The film has been confirmed to be released nationwide on July 13th this summer.

Hand-painted posters of teenagers conquering Atlantis show special effects.  

The theme of this poster is "Conquering Atlantis", and the four declarations of "curiosity, partnership, fearlessness and dreams" convey the temperament of the four post-05 heroes "no adventure, many years". "Atlantis", as a classic scene of the original novel, is a continent that gave birth to prehistoric civilization and was destroyed by floods. It is not only the adventure holy land that the four protagonists have been longing for for for a long time, but also the code name of this adventure. In the poster, the seemingly weak bodies of four teenagers are in stark contrast to the actions across dangerous situations; By organizing a delegation to the 408 base, they have overcome the dangers of climbing towers, tunnel adventure, dam escape, weightlessness and falling. Combined with the different copywriting in each poster, it pays tribute to the brave young heart and the courage to walk side by side, which resonates with many viewers who also have adventure dreams.

For the first time, the poster shows many impressive special effects scenes and internal details, such as the entrance to another world, the abyss tunnel, the underground dam, the weightless space and so on, by hand drawing, and constructs a mysterious and imaginative fantasy world. It is also expected how the real effects of these special effects scenes will be presented in the end.

It is worth noting that there are many details of "thinking carefully and fearing" buried in the poster. For example, in the poster of "Climbing the Tower", a figure is secretly following four teenagers. What is his identity? In the poster of "Dam Escape", who are the vague figures around the protagonists and why do these people appear in 408? And how do those enlarged and mutated butterflies exist in the film? These details also triggered many speculations about the plot.

Poster of the movie "Charles IX" and "Conquering Atlantis"

Poster of the movie "Charles IX" and "Conquering Atlantis"

After 00, the representative best-selling books first appeared on the screen, and their unique temperament was highly anticipated.

Previously, foreign teenagers’ adventure fantasy works, such as Harry Potter and The Hunger Games, have achieved good market and word-of-mouth results. Charles IX, as the "water tester" of this kind of theme in China, received strong feedback from the audience as soon as it was released. In the poll "Which summer movie would you buy a ticket to see" initiated by a high-traffic platform where some young people gathered, Charles IX was also among the best.

In order to better create a fantasy adventure world belonging to China teenagers, the film has made great efforts in terms of director, shooting location and special effects. In terms of directing, the film is directed by Wang Jing, a high-profile director who is good at realistic themes, which avoids the risk of the film becoming younger and improves the overall quality and expectation of the work. In terms of shooting location, in order to make the shooting location realistic, the scenery team spent two months in Yumen, Gansu Province, recreating the northwest town in the 1990 s and the mysterious scientific research base in the film; On the scene setting site, the crew also set scenes in Gansu, Qinghai and Beijing to build a scene design that meets the requirements; In terms of special effects, Charles IX has nearly 2,000 special effects shots, accounting for more than half of the film’s duration.

The film Charles IX is the first fantasy film for teenagers in China, which will be released on July 13th. This summer, let’s look forward to "Charles IX" to arouse our adventurous youth!

The 6th Chinese Billiards World Championships closed, and Zhao Ruliang Tang Chunxiao won the first championship.

On December 16th, the 6th CBSA Chinese Billiards World Championship of China Jiangxi Shangrao Yushan ended successfully in Yushan Sports Center. Chinese billiards is a billiards sport independently innovated by China, which has as many as 80 million fans in China. In 2015, with the vigorous promotion of China Billiards Association, Yushan County Government and Star Brand Company, the first Chinese Billiards World Championships was successfully held in Yushan, Shangrao, Jiangxi.

In 2023, 496 players from 41 countries and regions participated in the 6th CBSA Chinese Billiards World Championship, and the number of participating countries and participants reached a new high. At present, it is the largest Chinese billiards competition in the world, which not only promotes the global promotion of Chinese billiards, but also becomes a platform for billiards people all over the world to communicate with each other and enhance friendship, and promotes friendly exchanges between China and other countries around the world.

Compared with previous years, the 6th Chinese Billiards World Championships, which was restarted this year, was upgraded in an all-round way, with the total prize money increased to 10.43 million RMB, making it the highest Chinese billiards tournament in the world, with the prize money of 3 million for men’s team and 1 million for women’s team respectively.

In the end, Zhao Ruliang, a teenager born after 00, defeated Shen Shenyi 41-28 to dominate the men’s team, while Xu Tianwei and john young won the men’s team’s third place and the first place respectively. Tang Chunxiao, the favourite to win the championship, showed her strength and beat Liu Xiazhi 19-9. In the women’s group, Zhang Muyan and He Xinru won the third place and the first place. Among them, Zhao Ruliang and Tang Chunxiao both won the World Championship for the first time.

The men’s team of this World Chinese Billiards Championship is strong, and none of the top 16 professional men of China Billiards Association is absent. Four former champions, Eipl, Shi Hanqing, john young and Zheng Yubo, all appeared in Yushan, and they fought fiercely for the glory of the world champion and the prize money of 3 million.

As the last runner-up, Zhao Ruliang was recognized as one of the favourites to win the championship before the competition. In the double-losing stage, Zhao Ruliang won Grain Rain Peng, Suniri and Lei Yiwei in a row, and the winner advanced to the top 32. In the stage of single defeat, Zhao Ruliang stood out from the death zone where experts gathered, and eliminated Dai Yong, Chu Bingjie, Xu Xiaoying and john young with convincing performance, and entered the final.

Shen Shenyi, born in 2004, has risen rapidly in Chinese billiards in recent years, and entered the tournament directly as a seed player. In the double-lose stage, Shen Shenyi defeated Liu Yiqi, Mi Le and Bo Junjie successively, and qualified from the winning department. In the single defeat, Shen Shenyi beat Eipl, the first champion, narrowly beat American star Zhang Ronglin, beat Niu Zhuang in the quarter-final, and beat dark horse Xu Tianwei in the semi-final, and reached the final of the World Championships for the first time in his career.

The final of men’s team adopts the system of 41 wins in 81 games, which is divided into four stages. In the first stage, Zhao Ruliang won three games in a row after 8-7, leading by 11-7. In the second stage, Zhao Ruliang once extended the difference to eight innings, and Shen Shenyi launched a counterattack at the end, with a score of 21 to 17. In the third stage, the two sides entered the seesaw stage. However, Zhao Ruliang, who was more experienced in the contest, made a small climax at the last minute and entered the fourth stage with a lead of 32-24.

At the opening of the fourth stage, Zhao Ruliang quickly entered the state, winning four games in a row, further expanding his advantage by 36 to 24. At this time, the game lost its suspense, and Zhao Ruliang scored a climax again, winning the match point at 40-26, then taking the game away with a shot in the third match point, and finally winning at 41-28, winning 3 million championship prizes; The runner-up Shen Shenyi got 1.2 million yuan.

In the third and fourth finals, Xu Tianwei broke out in the second stage, defeating john young 21-15 and winning the third place.

In the women’s final, which ended first on the afternoon of December 15th, the famous Tang Chunxiao beat Liu Xiazhi 19-9, winning the women’s championship of Chinese billiards World Championships for the first time in her career.

As a favourite to win the championship before the competition, Tang Chunxiao’s promotion process was not smooth sailing. She was dragged into the deciding game by Zhang Muyan in the first stage of the promotion round. In the quarter-finals, she faced Fu Xiaofang, the champion of the 2017 tournament, and Tang Chunxiao won three games in a row after falling behind 8-10. Meet Zhang Muyan again in the semi-final, and Tang Chunxiao won 13-9, welcoming his first World Championship final.

Liu Xiazhi didn’t encounter too much trouble in the double defeat stage against Chen Yihan and Xia Yuying. After entering the single defeat stage, she beat Russian player Pimenova in the quarter-final, eliminated defending champion Chen Siming 11-9 in the quarter-final, and completely defeated "Dark Horse" He Xinru in the semi-final, and also entered the final stage of the World Championships for the first time.

The final of women’s team adopts the system of 19 wins in 37 games, which is divided into two stages. In the first stage, Tang Chunxiao made a dream start of 12-0 and took a huge lead of 14-4 after the end of 18 games. At the opening of the second stage, Liu Xiazhi chased two games in a row, while Tang Chunxiao grabbed the 21st game to stabilize his position after some chaos, then won two more games, expanding his advantage by 17-6, and finally sealed the victory by 19-9, and won the first prize of 1 million.

At the awarding ceremony, besides the athletes who won good results in the competition, the organizing committee of the competition also awarded other awards.
