Deng Chao is appointed as the promotion ambassador of the FIRST Youth Film Festival, and will promote the director’s debut

Deng Chao appointed as the 14-year FIRST Youth Film Festival ambassador

    Renowned actor and newly minted director Deng Chao has been confirmed as the FIRST Youth Film Festival’s 2014 promotion ambassador. In 2014, Deng Chao, who is the director of several major films, will make his directorial debut. Taking the baton from Qin Hailu, the promotion ambassador of the 2013 film festival, Deng Chao said: "This festival is a little different."

"There is not so much halo surrounding this film festival"

    In 2013, Qin Hailu was the promotion ambassador for the FIRST Youth Film Festival. Similar to Deng Chao, Qin Hailu has also been obsessed with the stage of drama for many years, and because of this, the pursuit of acting in movies and TV is more perfect and demanding. During his time as promotion ambassador, Qin Hailu once sent a message to young filmmakers: "As an actor, you should convey to the audience a sense of confidence, there should be a feeling of galloping, I don’t care where your lights come from, I want to go from here to here, I don’t want to be here, I go there, you have no light, it doesn’t matter, this is what I bring to you personally, not what the role brings to you, I want you to feel that in that moment, I am free, and so are you."

    Like every previous ambassador, when Deng Chao received this mission, he habitually asked: "What can I do for them?" In early 2013, when Qin Hailu saw the meaning of the five letters of FIRST (F: Freedom; I: Inspiration; R: Renaissance; S: Sharpness; T: Truthfulness), she had a soft spot for "freedom". Deng Chao said: "Recently, I am studying my previous films and short films. I feel that this film festival is full of passion. It belongs to young people, who dare to break through and express themselves. Daring to express is the temperament of this film festival. It is different from other film festivals. It will not be shrouded in so many halos. It is completely the freedom of a group of young people. I am still a young person, and I am also free to express myself."

Wild enough, bloody, free — FIRST CHOICE

    From to, to, and then to, Deng Chao’s pondering and demanding of the performance is almost crazy. Easy to handle, atmospheric and spiritual, calm and explosive in an instant, the full excavation of understanding and the diligence of the day after tomorrow beyond ordinary people make the blood of the teenager and the stability of the adult appear in his personality at the same time. "What can be shot may be a good movie. Dare to shoot, dare not care, dare to take action for your own expression." This lot of courage is spewing out FIRST’s annual theme for 2014: Wild enough, young. "

    The FIRST Youth Film Festival is about to usher in its eighth edition. As a young film festival that strives to explore and support potential young filmmakers, FIRST strictly selects the promotion ambassador every year. This ambassador is often the backbone of the Chinese film industry. He maintains a pioneering attitude in his field, dares to break through and stand up, and can set off an upward force in the industry. After "Li Mi’s Conjecture" and "China Partner" won the awards related to the high-profile section of the year in the third and seventh FIRST respectively, Deng Chao finally renewed his relationship with FIRST as a new promotion ambassador. Wild enough, bloody, free, and perhaps sincere, clear, and serious, this is the choice of FIRST and Deng Chao for each other.

You must have a passion for movies

    Making his first film, Deng Chao said: "I am an actor, I love my profession, I want to be a director in order to be able to completely control the performance I want. In the past, I was interpreting other people’s lives, and I really wanted to make a work that was truly my own. So in fact, I became a director to act, and I have a lot to express." "The Master of Breaking Up" staged "the dumbest but touching romantic comedy in history". Unlike the tried-and-true light comedy, this film is defined as "heavy comedy", in which Deng Chao made many attempts to express himself. Although it is a heavy comedy, the real core is positive energy.

    Getting acquainted with the FIRST Youth Film Festival, Deng Chao recalled studying at the Central Academy of Drama: "In the past, Chinese opera often showed short films of young people, and we were immersed in that atmosphere. We also took some homework and took the machine to shoot. This is the essence of film. Movies can be participated by anyone. The most fundamental thing in film is expression. Anyone who picks up a camera can tell a story, and what they want to express is a part of their personal world." The stronger the desire to scream, the more they will do their best to create opportunities for their debut. For young filmmakers, stories should always be born from desire, rather than filling the gaps in expression with experience.

    For young directors who dream of making their own feature films, Deng Chao believes: "I didn’t realize it when I wasn’t a director, but now I realize that being able to make a work is already a kind of success. Because you have the urge to express yourself, it is good to take action for your expression. Too many people say in the accident world that although the comments in the world are mixed, but if you have done it with your heart, you can make a good movie. This is the best advice. Don’t wait. At first, I was also worried that I didn’t have enough experience and feelings, but now I find that as long as you have the desire to express, you can do it, and the problem can always be solved."