October TV series record: a total of 43, Perfect World and Wanda have records, "Come on Baby" and "Pearl of the Sea" attract attention

November 26, 2022 Issue 3323

In October 2022, the SARFT Office published a total of 43 films on "National Filming and Production of TV Dramas in October 2022", including 32 contemporary themes.

In terms of quantity, there were 5 more TV dramas filed in October than the 38 in September, and many novel adaptations appeared in the national TV drama shooting and production filing publicity in October.

Contemporary themes dominate the mainstream, accounting for over 70%

In October 2022, a total of 43 and 1,427 episodes were recorded and publicized in the national TV drama filming and production. Divided by theme,Contemporary theme32 books and 1022 episodes, accounting for 74.42% and 71.62% of the total number of announcements respectively, including 23 contemporary urban themes with 733 episodes, 2 contemporary rural themes with 60 episodes, 1 contemporary science fiction theme with 16 episodes, and 6 contemporary other themes with 213 episodes.

Modern theme1 film and 40 episodes, accounting for 2.33% and 2.8% of the total number of announcements respectively, of which 1 film with 40 episodes of modern urban themes.Modern theme5 films and 192 episodes, accounting for 11.63% and 13.45% of the total number of publicity, respectively, including 40 episodes of 1 modern biography, 36 episodes of 1 modern legend, and 116 episodes of 3 modern revolutionary themes.Ancient theme5 episodes and 173 episodes, accounting for 11.63% and 12.12% of the total number of announcements, respectively.

It is worth mentioning that there are 2 major revolutionary TV dramas and 80 episodes approved for the project. 

Key related production centers have filed 6 departments.

Major revolutionary TV dramas attract attention

In the October filing drama, there are 6 works filed by key related production centers, "The Great Wall" filed by Beijing Beiguang Media Film and Television joint stock company; "Danxin" filed by Hunan Heguang Media Co., Ltd.; "Furong Town", a contemporary urban drama filed by Shaanxi Radio and Television Film and Television; "Local Lang, a foreign daughter-in-law" series filed by Guangdong Guangshi Media Co., Ltd. is the fifth in 2022, the sixth in 2022, and the first in 2023. Among them, "The Great Wall" and "Danxin" are both major revolutionary themes in October.

Beijing Beiguang Media Co., Ltd.The Great Wall.The story is that in 1934, Japanese imperialism stepped up its aggression against China, and Chiang Kai-shek, regardless of the national danger, adhered to the policy of "the outside must first settle the inside" and launched the fifth largest "encirclement and suppression". At the time of life and death, the main force of the Chinese Red Army of workers and peasants was forced to carry out a strategic transfer and withdraw from the Soviet areas in the north and south of the Yangtze River. The Red Army team, with an average age of less than 30 years old, was like a red iron flow, passing through 11 provinces, crossing 18 mountains, crossing 24 rivers, passing through barren grasslands, and climbing snow-capped mountains. It was not until October 1936 that the three main forces of the Red Army joined forces and the Red Army’s Long March ended successfully. For the first time in a panoramic way, this drama presents the story of a group of Communists made of special materials in this unprecedented extreme test; shows the process and reasons why the Chinese Communist Party has matured from childhood and Mao Zedong has become the leading core of the party; shows the great Long March spirit. It is reported that the number of episodes of the play is 40.

Hunan Heguang Media Co., Ltd."Dan Xin"It tells the story of World War II from 1942 to 1945Macao’s "isolated island" periodThe story of the Anti-Japanese War. After the fall of Hong Kong in December 1941, Macau became an important port and international intelligence center for the transit and exchange of strategic materials between countries, and was pushed to the forefront of the trend. The Macau-Portuguese government was called "neutral", but in fact allowed the Japanese army toZe Rongzuo Secret ServiceOverbearing. Patriotic ChineseHe Xian, Ma WanqiAnd the underground party of the Communist Party of ChinaColinThey united their compatriots with a strong sense of patriotism and responsibility, and rallied the strength of Macao Chinese communities such as the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Mirror Lake Hospital and Tong Shantang to fight back. In times of crisis, they found that only the Communist Party of China could save China and bring new hope to the Chinese nation. Macao patriotic Chinese and the Communist Party of China are of one mind and one mind with the Japanese invadersFinancial warfare, intelligence warfare, and material warfareThe Anti-Japanese National Salvation Movement in Macao not only helped Macao compatriots survive the difficult "wave" years in Macao’s history, but also raised a large amount of materials and funds to support the Anti-Japanese War in China and the World Anti-Fascist War. It is reported that the number of episodes of the drama is 40

Shaanxi radio, television, film and television dramas have filed contemporary urban dramas"Hibiscus Town"The play mainly tells the story of life in Furong TownLan JiaheThe family is happy and happy, but as the four daughters grow up, troubles follow one after another. The eldest daughter, who serves as the pillar of the cultural center, has a bad marriage life. The second daughter of the People’s Police is often misunderstood by her family because of her upright temperament. The third daughter has to be separated from her family in order to pursue her dreams. The younger daughter of Pistachio went astray. After many runs-in, the Lan family finally realized the story of family and family meaning. It is reported that the production cycle of the drama is 6 months, the shooting date is March 2023, and the number of episodes is 40.

Guangdong Guangshi Media Co., Ltd."Foreign Daughter-in-law Local Lang", "Foreign Daughter-in-law Local Lang" is a local Cantonese series of family light comedy, telling the interesting stories of a family surnamed Kang and the neighbors in the old city of Xiguan, Guangzhou. Through independent stories, it shows the urban changes, local customs, and the beautiful life of Guangdong people in the past 20 years. The newly filed plot focuses on the emotional disputes between the point person when dealing with old things, and the relationship between husband and wife when there are differences in life concepts such as health and fitness.

Well-known domestic novels will be made into film and television.

"Pearl on the Sea" and "People Lost in Memory" are on record

In the October TV drama filing list, Perfect World, Wanda, Tongmeng Film and Television, Haohan Entertainment, Sun Yiyang Culture and other well-known domestic film and television companies have all filed.                                                                                

Urban emotional drama"Come on baby"byPerfect WorldRecord. The play is directed by Liu Jiang and produced by Wang Tong. The main thing is thatLiu YihanAt the age of 30, the family was harmonious, and her career was on the rise. Except for the fact that she had no children with her husband Zhao Dating, the couple’s life was generally satisfactory. Faced with the dilemma of "rising" and "living", Liu Yihan hesitated. When she finally made up her mind to create a crystal for her love with her husband, her body turned red.Mao LiminwithConstant forceAccompanied for many years, Mao Limin compromised and agreed to Chang LiHidden marriage, dinkIn this marriage, Molimin lacks security, and as she gets older, she wants a child more and more. When Molimin gets pregnant, she gets the usual blame and avoidance.Huang YuqiAnd Chinese and foreign childrenKevinWhile studying abroad, getting married, pregnant, and having children were all natural, but there were problems in economic and family relations. The conflict between the foreign son-in-law and the Chinese mother-in-law was about to erupt, and the second child was born when the chickens were flying. The values of the three couples collided and influenced each other. The three women talked to each other for help, and their relationship became even closer due to childbirth. 

From the plot perspective, the urban emotional drama "Come on Baby" focuses onFertility topicWith three couples with very different economic conditions, life concepts and values as the main body of the story, we attempt to exploreDilemma, hidden marriage, DINK, having a second childThe reasons behind such social phenomena ultimately explore love and marriage, as well as the impact and significance of children on marriage, love, family, and responsibility. It is reported that the production cycle of the drama is 8 months, and the shooting date is May 2023.

Khorgos Wanda TV Drama Production Co., Ltd. has filed a record"Pearl on the Sea"The play is adapted fromTeng XiaolanThe novel of the same name. The play tells the story of the 28th birthday,Luo XiaopeiI spent a beautiful day surrounded by love.Mao HuijuanHowever, she received a divorce certificate from her ex-husband who had cheated on her and brought the child back to her mother’s house to be placed under the fence. A car accident revealed the truth of the year. Due to the negligence of the nurse, the fate of the two babies changed. Mao Huijuan brought her son back to the wealthy Luo family, but she felt embarrassed and uncomfortable everywhere during the compensation and transformation of her biological parents. "Adopted daughter" Luo Xiaopei enjoyed the usual love, but was polite to the parents of the Mao family, which made the Mao family extremely dissatisfied. The two girls observed each other, and the backgrounds, education, temperament, and temperament were very different, whether intentional or unintentional, and the turmoil continued. In order to break through the humble situation, Mao Huijuan was enthusiastic about her career, and gradually won the praise of her parents; Luo Xiaopei gave up music because of a hand injury, and lived a low-key "quasi-pastoral life", and began to get along with her biological parents like relatives. After the status change, the two people gradually understood each other’s thoughts and situation, compared their hearts to their hearts, exchanged their hearts for their hearts, and put aside their disputes. Through mutual help, their hearts gradually became close and became true good sisters. It is reported that the production cycle of the drama is 10 months, the shooting date is March 2023, and the number of episodes is 40.

Urban emotional drama"If running is my destiny"byTongmeng Film and TelevisionFiling. The play is adapted from Fujian writersJi JingrongThe novel of the same name, from a female perspective, tells the inspirational story of two pairs of mother and daughter who have completely overturned their family life due to a car accident, rebuilt their hearts after touching the depths of their hearts at a low point in life, and reignited their lives.

A sudden car accident after a birthday banquet dealt a devastating blow to Xiuli and Xiufang’s families respectivelybeautifulHis second son, Ruoxuan, is a high school senior with excellent character and learning. He lost his young life in a car accident; his sisterXiufangHer only daughter, Anxin, is a young dance teacher who lost her legs in a car accident. In order to help her mother Xiuli out of pain, Xiuli’s eldest daughter, Ruohua, took Xiuli to live in her student dormitory, but Xiuli, who was about to graduate in senior year, still caused huge trouble to Ruohua, especially in her love life with Zhou Kaiser. Ruohua was tortured by her mother’s excessive pressure. In the face of her disheartened daughter Anxin and her increasingly fragile and evasive son-in-law, Qin Feng, the obese Xiufang was determined to inspire her daughter’s confidence by completing a weight loss that had never been successful. In the process of getting along with her mother Xiu Li, Ruohua once became paranoid, but eventually returned to the right track and untied the knot between mother and daughter; Xiufang finally managed to lose weight, accompany her out of marriage with peace of mind, and stand up again to face life. It is reported that the production cycle of the drama is 3 months and the number of episodes is 25.

Science fiction drama"The Man Lost in Memory"Filed by Haohan Entertainment. The play is adapted from Heilongjiang writersWu ZhongquanThe novel of the same name mainly tells the story of a pair of untouchable lovers who find true love in the memory space and join hands to break the conspiracy and usher in the story of staying together.

The play is mainly aboutGenius Shen DuoIn order to save her childhood sweetheart, Xia Qiu, who grew up, cooperated with an organization that studies brain-computer interfaces and participated in a projectBrain space stationThe project leader told Shen Duo that for the sake of eternal love with Xia Qiu, he should put Xia Qiu aside for the time being and devote himself to developing a research project that everyone could useupload awarenessShen Duo agreed and left Xia Qiu without saying hello. Three years later, Shen Duo came back, and Xia Qiu naturally ignored him, but found that there was another secret to Shen Duo’s departure. Xia Qiu had not found out the truth, and Shen Duo died. Xia Qiu met Shen Duo in the memory, and the "Shen Duo" in the memory had an independent consciousness, but if the "brain universe system" was not developed based on Shen Duo’s brain, this independent consciousness would disappear. Xia Qiu has to go through many obstacles in the case of amnesia, go to the years in memory when Shen Duo and her grew up together, and activate this system. During the memory journey, Xia Qiu looked back and fell in love with Shen Duo again, but also discovered the conspiracy behind the technology company. The two eventually gave up staying together in the memory space and joined forces to destroy the system. It is reported that the production cycle of the drama is 8 months, the shooting date is May 2023, and the number of episodes is 16.

Urban emotional dramaThe Duoxi Family.Filed by Sun Yiyang Culture. The play is adapted from the author of Jinjiang Literature CityHow the wind blowsNovel of the same name. The plot is set in 2015,TongzhouIt has officially become the sub-center of Beijing, and the people are very happy. Live in the old wharf alley of the North Canal for decorationSatohiThe family got it as promisedDemolition paymentIn the process, the hidden problems of their respective families were exposed one after another. Sai Duoxi was found to be terminally ill, and in the face of a mess of scattered children, he was always unable to achieve a bowl of water. He fell into distress and reflection. His greatest wish is to see the children and harmony before his death, and this hope can only be pinned on the eldest daughter-in-law Wen Jiayin. Always gentle and obedient but firm-minded sister-in-lawgood newsIn the name of her family, she began to clean up the "mess" of the Sai family. With her efforts and inspiration, the five siblings finally corrected their shortcomings according to their father’s expectations, united, saved the danger, and realized their father’s long-cherished wish of "family and prosperity". It is reported that the production cycle of the drama is 8 months, the shooting date is December 2022, and the number of episodes is 40.

It is not difficult to see that many novel adaptations appeared in the national TV drama shooting and production filing announcement in October, and novels such as "Pearl of the Sea", "People Lost in Memory", "Thousand Rivers Have Water and Thousand Rivers Moon" will be filmed and filmed. In addition, reality-themed TV dramas have played an important role in cultural responsibility and value leadership as the "vanguard" in the field of Chinese TV dramas. In the October TV drama filing, reality-themed content accounted for as much as 83.7%. Reality-themed TV dramas need to be pragmatic and cultural in the current creation, carry forward and highlight the basic cultural mission, so that they can meet the expectations of the people, promote cultural prosperity, and conform to the trend of the times.
