The first Tencent Digital Security Innovation Competition was launched in Beijing, tapping into cutting-edge forces to promote industrial innovation

  International Online News:On March 10, the first Tencent Digital Security Innovation Competition was officially launched in Beijing. The competition was jointly sponsored by Tencent Security and the China Industrial Internet Development Alliance, and was jointly initiated by Tencent Security, KEEN, Yuanqi Capital, Cyber Yingjie, Digital Consulting and other enterprises. Hosted by the Security Committee of the China Industrial Internet Development Alliance.

  The competition aims to find new forces in cyber security, explore a new track of "technological innovation", and build a display stage and incubation platform for enterprises by recruiting enterprises with innovative technologies in the field of cyber security, cultivate a group of excellent innovative enterprises, and jointly promote the development of industrial innovation.

Launching Ceremony of Tencent Digital Security Innovation Competition

Launching Ceremony of Tencent Digital Security Innovation Competition

  Chen Shengxi, executive deputy secretary general of China Industrial Internet Development Alliance, Zhang Xianghong, vice president of China Information Security Research Institute, Tan Xiaosheng, founder and chairperson of Beijing Cyber Yingjie Technology Co., Ltd., Li Shaopeng, founder of Digital Consulting, He Wenjun, founding managing partner of Yuanqi Capital, Yang Quan, head of GeekPwn and general manager of KEEN, Zhang Yi, founder of Security 419, Yu Yang, vice president of Tencent Security and head of Tencent Security Xuanwu Laboratory, Lin Tao, vice president of Tencent Cloud and Smart Industry Public Relations Department, Fu Rongjie, general manager of Tencent Security Market, and other leaders and experts from all walks of life attended the launch ceremony of the competition, sharing views and practices around the three dimensions of cyber security talent training, innovative technological breakthroughs, and industrial ecological co-construction Development provides forward-looking strategic thinking.

  At present, the Tencent Digital Security Innovation Competition has opened registration for enterprises, institutions, scientific research institutions, universities and other organizations and teams, and the finals will be held in June.

  The first digital security innovation competition was launched to build an industrial innovation highland

  With the acceleration of digital technology and the continuous release of policy dividends, security is becoming more important than ever. In the next decade, a large number of new business models, new scenarios, and new models will flourish based on digital technology. Once security problems arise, it will bring "seismic impact" to the digital economy. In the face of new security issues, the industry urgently needs to break through the existing defense system, establish a new security construction idea, and further explore the possibility of "security first".

  The scale of China’s cyber security market is maintaining rapid growth, but the industry has also begun to show a trend of "partial overflow of production capacity and insufficient innovation capacity". Some technical directions with long-term value and investment of relatively many people and resources lack attention and support. Chen Shengxi, executive deputy secretary-general of the China Industrial Internet Development Alliance, said in his speech at the launch ceremony that the development of cyber security needs to adhere to long-termism. Under the complex and changeable background of cyber security in the digital age, it is necessary to link internal and external resources in the industry to gather innovative forces for the development of China’s cyber security.

Chen Shengxi, Executive Deputy Secretary General of China Industrial Internet Development Alliance

Chen Shengxi, Executive Deputy Secretary General of China Industrial Internet Development Alliance

  Chen Shengxi specifically mentioned the policy document "Three-Year Action Plan for the High-Quality Development of the Cyber Security Industry" issued by MIIT in 2021, which pointed out that outstanding enterprises in the cyber security product market segment should be targeted. Through policy guidance, project orientation, and talent cultivation, support for technology research and development, product promotion, and supply and demand docking should be strengthened, and the cultivation of cyber security single champion enterprises and specialized "little giant" enterprises should be accelerated.

  In this context, this Tencent Digital Security Innovation Competition advocates "let technology and innovation speak", adheres to the selection principle of "do not look at the founder, do not look at the revenue, do not look at the case", focuses on the exploration of application scenarios, can solve problems, verifiable landing, original intellectual property innovation enterprises, and provide technology research and development, scene landing and other support, cultivate a group of excellent innovative enterprises, build industrial innovation highland. Yu Yang said that he hopes to make the competition the most influential and innovative technology event in China, with the competition training to mine excellent teams and products, and make a good reserve of innovative technologies for the digital age.

  All sectors of the industry joined forces to form a mentor group, calling for ecological co-construction to promote industrial innovation

  The digital economy is in an innovation cycle, with the boundaries of security constantly being reconstructed, and the security situation becoming increasingly complex. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate multiple fields such as government, enterprises, institutions, and scientific research systems to form a joint force to promote industrial innovation and development.

  Yu Yang said in his speech that each scenario and sub-field of cyber security is worthy of in-depth technological exploration and breakthrough. Due to its wide coverage and deep dimension, it is destined that only a few head forces can solve all problems behind closed doors and alone. Enterprises that need to be deeply cultivated and explored in different fields are involved together.

Yu Yang, Vice President of Tencent Security and Head of Tencent Security Xuanwu Laboratory

Yu Yang, Vice President of Tencent Security and Head of Tencent Security Xuanwu Laboratory

  Therefore, this competition focuses on enterprises with new tracks, new fields, and innovative technologies, exploring and not limited to innovative projects in a wide range of security fields, business scenarios related to security, industry security, and security formats, hoping to cultivate and support a group of flexible, independent, and future-oriented innovative enterprises.

  It is understood that the competition also established an advisory group of industry leaders such as Fang Binxing, Lei Xiaobin, Duan Yongchao, Ding Ke, etc., a mentor group composed of Tan Xiaosheng, Li Shaopeng, He Wenjun, Chen Jian, and Yu Yang, and a luxury mentor group and jury group composed of more than 30 top security experts, investment institution experts, and enterprise CSOs. Representatives from all walks of life from the industry will be committed to using this competition as a hub to create the normalization of the linkage between government, industry, university and research, and promote industrial innovation and escort the development of the industry with the power of ecology.

  At the kick-off meeting, He Wenjun, founding managing partner of Yuanqi Capital, Wan Yi, co-founding partner of Yuanqi Capital, and Fu Rongjie, general manager of Tencent Security Market, also introduced the cyber security industry big data white paper, start-up growth training courses, and competition competition system. The competition also provides enterprise growth support plans for participating enterprises. In addition to the cash bonus pool of 300,000 yuan, the shortlisted winning enterprises will have the opportunity to become Tencent unicorn partners and obtain exclusive marketing cooperation support. They will also receive professional guidance from star mentors, entrepreneurship coaching series courses, free student opportunities for super CSO training classes, and exchange of leaders of Tencent Security Joint Laboratory. (Photo/text, Chen Dong)