You are reading: How did the computer open Google Chrome and become Sogou navigation bar? How did the computer open Google Chrome and become Sogou navigation bar?

Recently, some users have said that their computer is open, but the back page shows Sogou. Obviously, their computer does not have Sogou installed. Why is this happening? This is because the homepage of Google Chrome has been modified. If you also encounter such a problem, just simply set it up. Next, let’s talk about the solution to open Google Chrome on your computer and turn it into Sogou.

The specific methods are as follows:

1. First, we open Google Chrome.

2. Then click the icon of the upper three points in the upper right corner.

3. Then click [Settings].

4. Find startup time in the settings interface. You can see that it will open the Sogou URL navigation at startup. Here we click three dots to expand more options.

5. Then click [Delete].

6. This way, the Sogou URL navigation will not be opened at startup.

It is a rather confusing problem for a computer to open Google Chrome and turn it into Sogou Browser. After referring to the above tutorial operation, opening Google Chrome again will not display Sogou navigation.

Xu Jiayin before he lost his freedom

Xu Jiayin probably didn’t expect that the back he left to this era was peach-colored.

Beginning in late September, along with the announcement of Xu Jiayin’s coercive measures, gossip and jokes about Evergrande’s song and dance troupe gradually flooded the Internet. Beauty, money, and the mysterious 42nd floor of Evergrande’s headquarters led to an image that entered the hearts of the public almost overnight. In the years before that, Xu’s carefully shaped shell of doctors, professors, entrepreneurs, and philanthropists had all disintegrated. Perhaps they had never really been established, because in comparison, the former was more in line with everyone’s imagination of the former richest man.

And those who don’t need to imagine, I mean those who can get close to Xu’s family, how close can they be to reality?

For example, the last image Xu Jiayin left for an employee of Evergrande Group turned out to be relaxation. During the conversation, those trillion-dollar debts are not a problem, "(Liabilities)Some can be talked about that way, some can be resolved that way ",It is said that Xu Jiayin believes that Evergrande only needs tens of billions of working capital to turn around again. In his opinion, "all solutions can be solved."

This optimism, which is in great contrast to reality, has caused confusion to the Evergrande employee. He does not know whether Xu Jiayin’s psychological quality is particularly good, or whether the people around him have created this illusion for him.

Speaking of which, this illusion comes more from the magic of time. Since founding Evergrande in 1996, Xu Jiayin has crossed the line of life and death several times. Like many real estate developers, they have collectively fallen into a kind of survivorship bias, thinking that "too big to fail". If they want to fail, it can only be because it is not big enough, so they are desperately high turnover, high leverage, and high debt, using the lowest cost, highest debt, and most complex moves to pry the largest scale.

This is the famous "three highs and one low". Until the thunderstorm, not only Evergrande, but most of their peers have always believed in this "real estate philosophy".

Obviously, not everyone is as "optimistic" as the founder, and Evergrande executives have long said privately that "the end of this journey is Xu Jiayin’s last moment."

The "silver bracelet" was slowly tightened.

In early September, a number of executives of Evergrande Wealth were taken away. It is understood that because of their deep involvement in Evergrande Wealth, Xu Jiayin’s second son, Xu Tenghe(Peter Xu)It was at that time that he was arrested. Not long after his son lost his freedom, on September 27, the media reported that "Xu Jiayin was recently placed under residential surveillance." Paradoxically, the next day, China Evergrande announced that the company had received a notice from the relevant departments that Xu Jiayin, the executive director and chairperson of the board of directors of the company, had been taken compulsory measures according to law for suspected illegal crimes.

This was obviously a more severe wording. Among all the coercive measures, residential surveillance was a relatively light one, and the "coercive measures" in the announcement were relatively heavy.

First, copy Yao Zhenhua and surpass Yao Zhenhua

Since crossing the line of life and death in 2008, Evergrande has been on the road to "going big" all the way. A large group is of course structural, so Evergrande’s "big" belongs to the structural big, including business structure, capital structure and shareholder structure. At one point, Xu Jiayin used several superimposed words to describe Evergrande’s strategy – "big big, close, buy buy buy, circle, good".

The complexity of Evergrande’s business structure is now well known and needless to say. As for the capital structure, Xu Jiayin suffered a big loss of "no money" in the early years. In 2008, he got the life-saving money by "hoeing the earth" with Hong Kong bosses. Real estate is essentially a game of cash flow, soXu Jiayin realized that to make the business bigger, we must first solve the problem of cash inflow. Only by increasing the leverage ratio of the company can we form a higher return on equity funds. To achieve this, we must realize the pre-financing stage and diversify the financing methods.For example, in the land acquisition stage, take pre-financing to access lower-cost funds.

If you rely on the Financial Institution Group public to public, then the cost of financing is difficult to come down, we must find another way.

Opportunities always fall from the sky. In 2012, in order to solve the problem of "difficult and expensive financing" for real enterprises and promote economic growth, financial innovation was encouraged to develop. In May of that year, the "Implementation Opinions on Encouraging and Guiding Private Capital to Enter the Banking Industry" was issued, which clearly stated that "private enterprises can invest in the Banking Financial Institution Group by initiating the establishment, subscribing for new shares, transferring equity, mergers and acquisitions and restructuring." In October of the same year, the Securities Supervision Commission promulgated "one law and two articles", and brokerage funds joined the army of financial innovation. At the end of the year, the channels for venture capital investment were greatly liberalized. It was also that year that the P2P industry entered a period of explosion, and the number of platforms rapidly increased from 50 in 2011 to about 200 in 2012.

Under the tide of financial innovation, the bosses with a keen sense of smell noticed the huge opportunities contained in it, and they applied for financial licenses one after another under the guidance of experts. Yao Zhenhua’s Qianhai Life Insurance was approved to be established in that year, and three years later, through investment-linked insurance, universal insurance, and the huge funds raised by allies of the Financial Institution Group, the capital markets were turned upside down and set off monstrous waves.

In early 2015, Foresea Life Insurance began to quietly buy Vanke’s class A shares. Before the market noticed Yao Zhenhua’s true intentions, Xu Jiayin may have known Yao Zhenhua’s plan. In March, Xu Jiayin found a well-known financial boss from Henan, respected as "big brother", and invited him to buy an insurance company together, but was declined.

In July of that year, Yao Zhenhua suddenly raised a placard, and a "battle of treasure and ten thousand" opened the curtain. The "brilliant record" stimulated Xu Jiayin, and also made Xu Jiayin more convinced that "it is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself". It is the last word to master the "money bag" – to become bigger and bigger, you must control the Financial Institution Group yourself.

On November 22, 2015, Evergrande Group acquired a 50% stake in Chongqing-based Sino-Singapore Great Eastern Life Insurance Company for 3.939 billion yuan, renamed Evergrande Life Insurance, and officially announced its entry into the insurance industry. Evergrande Financial Group was also established in Qianhai, Shenzhen, and Xu Jiayin began to "collect licenses".

After that, Hengda’s financial layout flourished in an all-round way. According to First Financial, according to public information, that year, Hengda Group won a full set of financial and financial services such as insurance, Internet finance, financial leasing, financial asset exchange, and factoring in one go.

It was widely rumored in the market that Evergrande was preparing for private banks. Until a few trading days from the end of February 2016, Evergrande through its wholly-owned subsidiary Evergrande Group(Nanchang)Co., Ltd.(Hereinafter referred to as "Hengda Nanchang")Acquired 577 million H shares of Shengjing Bank, and later passed two acquisitions to acquire 1.0168 billion domestic shares of Shengjing Bank for 10.068 billion Hong Kong dollars, and finally became the largest shareholder of the bank.

To apply for a new license, you need to queue up, even if the license is down, you have to do the scale first, and at that time, Shengjing Bank with assets of more than 700 billion yuan was a ready-made big standard. It is worth noting that in 2011, the Founder Department controlled 8.12% of the shares of Shengjing Bank, collecting major financial licenses such as securities, funds, banking, insurance, and futures, which can be described as aggressive. After the collapse of the Founder Department, Xu Jiayin regained this license and became one of his most important "money bags" in the future.

Although the Founder Department has become a "ruin", Xu Jiayin does not think that he will repeat the same mistakes, but has accelerated the pace of model replication. In September 2016, Xia Haijun, the former vice chairperson of the board of directors of Evergrande Group, said at Evergrande’s interim results conference that the future may be ready to acquire some small real estate developers and Financial Institution Group, especially securities companies and trust companies will have merger and acquisition plans, and the future group will form a financial and real estate juxtaposition pattern.

At the 2017 work conference, Xu Jiayin directly proposed that the goal of Hengda Financial Group in 2017 is to achieve full financial licenses such as shareholding, holding banks, insurance, securities, trusts, public funds, and Internet finance.

To build a financial empire, it is not enough to have only a license plate, but also people and allies.

Evergrande also has ready-made allies. As early as March 2015, China CITIC Bank, CITIC Trust and Evergrande Group signed a 60 billion strategic cooperation agreement, in which China CITIC Bank 40 billion credit to Evergrande Group. In February 2016, China CITIC Bank Chongqing Branch landed Evergrande Life Insurance’s 1.969 billion yuan M & A loan project. In December 2016, China CITIC Bank Guangzhou Branch invested 31.20 billion yuan in real estate funds to Evergrande Group. In early 2017, China CITIC Bank reached a "100 billion +" cooperation agreement with Evergrande Group.

Yes, China CITIC Bank was once Evergrande’s largest "top gifter". At that time, the president of China CITIC Bank was Sun Deshun, and the vice president was Zhu Jialin. In September 2017, Zhu Jialin resigned from CITIC Bank to become the vice president of Evergrande Group and chairperson of Evergrande Life Insurance.

This is the "revolving door", and it is not just Zhu Jialin who pushes open the "revolving door" between China CITIC Bank and Evergrande. Zhang Qiang, former vice president of China CITIC Bank, was hired as the president of Shengjing Bank in February 2018; Shen Guoyong, former general manager of China CITIC Bank’s head office institutional business department, went to Shengjing Bank as the vice president in January 2019, and so on. The management of Shengjing Bank was completely replaced by executives from CITIC Bank. China CITIC Bank was not only Evergrande’s most important ally at the time, but also its "talent pool" in the financial sector.

In addition to the executives of China CITIC Bank, there are also people in the regulatory department who have pushed open this "revolving door". The head of the regulatory unit where China New Great Eastern Life Insurance was originally registered "went to sea" in 2016, shortly after Evergrande won the license, and became the vice chairperson of Evergrande Life after the renamed.

Interestingly, Yao Zhenhua also has an executive from Shenzhen’s insurance regulator. But in comparison, Xu Jiayin is "better" than Yao Zhenhua, whether it is the size of the host bank ally or the level of the executives recruited.

Of course, the final hole was even bigger.

Second, willing to spend money, "good at" spending money

At the height of the relationship, Citic also appeared in Evergrande’s list of strategic investors. In 2017, Evergrande introduced strategic investors in three installments. One of the earliest batch of strategic investors – Hexin Hengju, which is controlled by CITIC Trust.

That year, to return to A as a gimmick, Hengda completed the diversification of the shareholder structure, the Financial Institution Group, partners, and Xu Jiayin’s prominent friends, all circled into this circle. You know, at the beginning of that year, Hengda’s pre-financing interest rate to 20% + was difficult to borrow funds, but attracted a total of 130 billion war investment.

However, with the passage of time, many glossy stories took off their "coat" and still revealed their "underpants". Today, there is a considerable amount of moisture in this 130 billion’s battle investment.

"Most Words" learned that in Hengda’s war investment, more than one source of funds is a joint-stock bank with close ties to Hengda and the city commercial bank it once controlled.

What can be used as confirmation is that in August, China Evergrande(03333.HK)It is worth mentioning that the 2021 annual report disclosed by China Evergrande clearly pointed out that 16.50 billion yuan of the strategic investment introduced by Evergrande Real Estate in 2017 was a liability, which is obviously different from the announcement information issued by China Evergrande on November 22, 2020.

According to various market parties, this amount is much smaller than the funds that Evergrande has freed up from controlled institutions and allies. With many war investors doing business with Evergrande itself, it is difficult to determine whether the investment is a left-handed investment.

In August 2017, Hengda Life Insurance, a "Hengda" insurance company, quietly bought shares in Xuzhou Suning Real Estate Co., Ltd. and Zhenjiang Suning Real Estate Co., Ltd., which are owned by Ning. On September 20, Xu Jiayin and the senior management team of Hengda Group visited the headquarters of Ning Group and met with Zhang Jindong. The two sides said that they would carry out strategic cooperation in real estate, e-commerce, finance and other fields.

More than a month later, on November 6, Hengda Group announced that China Hengda’s Kailong Real Estate, Hengda Real Estate and its controlling shareholder Xu Jiayin signed a capital increase agreement with six institutional strategic investment institutions, introducing a total of the third round of strategic investment 60 billion, 6 institutions obtained about 14.11% of the shares after the investment. Among them, Shandong Expressway Group(20 billion), Shang Group(20 billion)Zhengwei Group(5 billion)Jiayu Investment(5 billion)Yihe Investment(5 billion)Sichuan Dingxiang(5 billion)< unk > is in the column

Someone close to one of the war investors once told us that although the war investor invested money in Evergrande, Evergrande bought a lot of land from it, and the money earned from selling the land can already cover the funds of the war investor, which means that it "took the money earned from Evergrande and invested in Evergrande."

"But most of the bosses lost their pants, which were invested in real money," the person said.

But whether the real money comes from Hengda’s funds or the investors’ own funds is to some extent "close and distant". If it is a supplier of Hengda, it may really need "out-point blood". After all, Hengda is used to defaulting on accounts and paying for goods by commercial ticket.

To this day, a large number of suppliers are still weighed down by Evergrande, struggling to survive.

Some media have pulled out the Hengda supplier creditor list, the first is Nantong Sanjian, the second is Shengjing Bank, the third is Guangtian shares, the fourth is Gold Mantis, the fifth is E-House China, the sixth is Quanzhu shares, the seventh is World Bank, and the eighth is Shaanxi Construction Engineering.

Even some suppliers not only advanced funds for Evergrande, but were also fooled into betting on Evergrande.

Rumor has swirled among Zhejiang entrepreneurs that a company engaged in doors and windows spent 2 billion to buy products from Evergrande Wealth Management. The company is also a downstream supplier of Evergrande, and Xu Jiayin once lobbied the chairperson of the company, saying that Evergrande Wealth Management had a 10% return. But later, the overall redemption rate of this wealth management was only 10%.

After several years, Hengda has built a trillion-dollar financial empire, ostensibly achieving a low-cost source, but in fact, it is a huge transfer of funds, layers of nesting, real debt, and high interest rates. It is no different from other once-famous and rapidly collapsing capital systems.

To achieve such a deception trick requires the help of professionals, and only after working in the financial field for many years can this delicate "exquisite game" be designed and implemented.

Xu Jiayin is very generous in recruiting talents, not only giving high salaries to hire financial professionals, but also recruiting research talents. In December 2017, Xu Jiayin introduced well-known economists with 15 million annual salary. Less than a year later, Evergrande found the president of the investment banking department of one of the four major banks and hired him as vice president in charge of financing. The annual salary is higher than that of 15 million.

It’s just that the person left after staying at Evergrande for half a year.

III. Where did you come from and where are you going?

Because in Evergrande, the financing pressure is too great. Although the assets are trillion, the liabilities are also two trillion, which means that Evergrande is like a monster in a state of hunger forever, and it needs continuous funds to maintain. In addition to selling houses to withdraw funds, it also needs to sell wealth management products.

Even Xu Jiayin has sold his wealth management, which shows that Evergrande’s full marketing and full financing are really not just talk on paper.

Generally speaking, if a large enterprise wants to manage well, there will be two paths, one is high incentive, the other is strong control, because the national real estate business management margin is too large, most companies will choose the first path, such as Country Garden and other companies to follow the investment plan, choose the second path is not much, because it is not easy to manage, but Hengda just took this path, probably because Xu Jiayin is a workshop director and is very good at SOP process design and management.

At Evergrande, there is a unique management model that Xu Jiayin sees as a magic weapon for maintaining long-term high growth – target plan management. "In management, usually target management and plan management are two separate chapters, Evergrande combines the two, and Evergrande’s plans are all targeted," the "professor" of Wuhan University of Science and Technology once said.

The so-called plan has goals, which should be similar to today’s popular OKRs, that is, the alignment and dismantling of goals, including sales and financing tasks. One Evergrande employee felt that the most stressful part of working in the company was the layered tasks. "There are always various tasks, selling wealth management products, how much a regional company wants to sell, all employees market and sell houses, and each department of the group has to take the task."

After receiving the task, they also need to make a big ranking. Everyone wants to be in the top six, and the current six will be praised. No one wants to be in the bottom six, because the last six not only have to be criticized, written reviews, but also deducted performance pay.

Once upon a time, when the marketing pressure on all employees was the greatest, many Hengda employees considered buying a house by themselves, and many employees also invested real money in Hengda’s financial management.

There are also many relatives and friends of employees who have also invested in Evergrande Wealth Management. Of course, it cannot be said that they are also forced by plans and tasks.On the one hand, at that time, Evergrande gave a higher return on investment than the market level. On the other hand, there were still many people who believed in "too big to fail" like Xu Jiayin.

You can’t say that they are completely wrong. To this day, both Hengda’s workout and delivery are still struggling to advance. For a company, it is actually the easiest to lie down and go bankrupt, but real estate is a people’s livelihood industry. Now Hengda and other companies are on the capital side, tying up various interests at home and abroad, B and C, how can the company fall down and let the actual controller go away.

According to Evergrande people, the current special class still hopes to properly solve Evergrande’s workout, "this will be a textbook case."

But the misunderstanding is also in this idea. With the long-term operation, private enterprise owners like Xu Jiayin often fall into a myth similar to the family world, such as painting the company with the Xu family completely equal. If the company cannot easily collapse, does it mean that the Xu empire will continue to Evergrande?

In fact, the fate of Fangzheng, Anbang, HNA, and other large enterprises and controllers had already given the answer. It was just that the latecomers were just lucky. The idea that they would sleep peacefully after binding their backers was purely an illusion, or a "life-saving straw" that they desperately wanted to grab when drowning.

Sun Deshun was investigated for corruption of nearly 1 billion yuan. The CCTV feature film "Zero Tolerance" revealed that during Sun Deshun’s tenure at China CITIC Bank, his main work direction was up the ante real estate loan, and he sought personal benefits. Sun Deshun fell, and the gears of Xu Jiayin’s fate began to turn. Although he also thought of ways and asked people, on the surface, he was short of "tens of billions of working capital, which can be rotated again." In fact, he had long been credit through the warehouse, and no one dared to rescue him. The Financial Institution Group, which was hollowed out and dragged down by him, was even more difficult to protect itself.

In the past, the disorderly expansion of debt will eventually be settled after the autumn. If Xu Jiayin can do his best to protect the property and finance the payment, he may be able to exchange for a slightly decent disposal.

But Xu Jiayin was still disappointed. As his patience ran out, he finally lost his freedom.

After Evergrande, there are still a number of private real estate enterprises on the verge of collapse of the capital chain. If the actual controllers do not pay for the property and promote financial redemption, their patience and time should not be much.

A friend of Xu Jiayin once summed it up with us, "Every entrepreneur has his era, and he also has the threshold of the era. The past is the door, and the past is the threshold. You know, when the era abandons you, he will not greet you, and you can’t even keep up with him."

It is time to encourage you together.

Xiao Yaxuan and Cai Yilin each "bet" 100 million to prove their innocence (photo)


  Maggie Q and Edison Chen intimate photo


  Yang Qian filmed the "Lang is Coming" MV and kissed Edison Chen intimately


  Ying Cai’er and Edison Chen pose for a group photo

  "Porn Door" adds five female stars to raise suspicions

  According to Hong Kong media reports, after days of "witness" Chen Edison’s confession extraction, as well as related technical identification, the Hong Kong police have basically confirmed that as many as 1,300 indecent photos are mostly screenshots from video clips. Only a small part of the pictures were taken by digital cameras. In the latest video screenshots, the police found five new female victims again, but did not disclose their names. Only the characteristics of four of the actresses were implicitly alluded to and described. They are-

  Flat-billed Meat Girl: A bit older than Edison Chen, but in very good shape. Her photos are mostly close-ups of her feet, and there are also staggering short videos.

  Big face doll: I met Edison Chen in an advertisement. She is rarely sexy, so she is very reserved in the photo.

  First-line jade girl: This woman has said many times recently that she has nothing to do with Edison Chen, and there are no photos. In fact, there are photos as evidence. In the photos, she has no makeup, no figure, no outline, but her skin is white and slippery, but POSE is stiff.

  Psychedelic duo: A woman is a powerful female singer who entered the industry in mid-2005. Because she loves going to PUB, she met another stunning mixed-race supermodel "Bone Girl". Wang Wen

  Suspected actress: Qingzhe Ziqing

  Although Edison Chan has returned to Hong Kong to assist the police in the investigation, there is no end to the "pornographic photos" incident. The police have received a large number of "pornographic photos" that have never been exposed, and 5 of them have been identified again, including singers and models. Together with the 7 people who have been exposed on the Internet earlier, the police have at least 12 female protagonists of "pornographic photos". At present, the public is quite concerned about several unidentified actresses, and the actresses who have worked with Edison Chan before are all suspected.

  MaggieQ is one of Edison Chen’s hottest gossip girlfriends. Like Edison Chen, MaggieQ has also had a lot of scandals since its debut. It is said that among the pornographic photos, MaggieQ has the most photos, but so far, except for a sexy advertising photo of MaggieQ, no photos have been leaked. At present, MaggieQ has resisted the pressure and confirmed to return to Hong Kong on March 25 to promote the movie "The Three Kingdoms See the Dragon and Remove the Armor". Yesterday, the reporter contacted the MaggieQ China agent through the Hong Kong reporter, and he was unwilling to respond to whether MaggieQ was involved in the "pornographic photo gate".

  Yang Qian, who is also one of Chen Edison’s rumored girlfriends, said that many actresses had been involved in the "pornographic photography", and she did not want to respond to it, and she did not want to promote it. What she wants now is to clear up.

  The current girlfriend of Chen Xiaochun, Ying Cai’er, was photographed shopping and eating with Chen Edison in 2002, and the two were close. Ying Cai’er did not shy away from it afterwards, and publicly expressed her admiration for Chen Edison many times, saying that she usually relies on letters to convey feelings with him. Yesterday, the reporter contacted Ying Cai’er’s agent, but the other party would not respond to the matter. "Now that things have come to this point, it is better to listen to what the police have to say." Our reporter, Liu Zhe

  Who will smash these two billion yuan golden eggs?

  One hundred million each seemed to be reminding people that an actress was angry and was willing to bet one hundred million on her innocence, so we should trust them. Thinking of a variety show, the host stared at those golden eggs with a smirk, so, can you smash it?

  There was no need to think about whether it was because of anger or fear. Anyway, the two actresses each threw out a golden egg that might have a hundred million hidden in it, and they had to distance themselves from the philanderer, but it was easier said than done! After all, under the training of the same handsome guy, each beautiful woman faced the camera and did the same thing.

  At this point, watching others fall into the water can only be a last stand. Even if you don’t admit it, do you think that photo looks like a great aunt? Tell you, it was a substitute found in the labor market, or that bad boy’s computer post productin, and so on. Unfortunately, these two good sisters, until now, probably still think that 100 million yuan can scare people’s curiosity and suspicion? They definitely think you are the Ganoderma lucidum that arches out of the dung heap?

  After the police took control of Guanxi’s computer, the actress’s hanging heart was put down. With the minimum trust in the police, although they snickered, they couldn’t spread specific names everywhere, right? The hanging heart was like a stone falling into a pit, but they may have forgotten that this pit is extraordinary and full of humus.

  A hundred million yuan in colorful colors might be able to paste the wall of a temporary bridal chamber, but it wouldn’t stop many people’s mouths. Grandma Liu said that Wang Xifeng’s hair was thicker than her waist, and the two actresses each offered a reward of 100 million yuan, at least for plucking a large tuft of hair. Can you blow on it like Sun Wukong, turn into countless monkeys, and win this "battle of reputation"? That ultimately depends on whether the jade girl blows "chicken feathers on the ground".

  There are two golden eggs that may be worth 100 million each, who will smash them? Wang Feng

Editor in charge: Li Erqing

Why Andy Lau again? Exploring the linkage between gold medal actors and films

1905 movie network feature The Lunar New Year is only 10 days away, have you felt the taste of the New Year? Aside from the Spring Festival movies in the cinema, the supermarket may be the place with the most delicious New Year. Not only are there a variety of New Year’s gift boxes, but also Spring Festival couplets with the word Fu hanging everywhere. Of course, the strongest New Year flavor in the supermarket is definitely the brainwashed BGM (background music). For example, "Good Luck", or "The God of Wealth", or "Gong Xi Fa Cai".

Not only do supermarkets love these songs, but even Chinese New Year movies love them. In 2016, Andy Lau returned to the movie style in the film directed, and with another star, he sang the song "Gong Xi Fa Cai 2016". 

In this adaptation, Li Yuchun took advantage of his own singer and made a larger adaptation of the chorus of the song. In the end, the festive atmosphere of this "Gong Xi Fa Cai 2016" became more intense. 

In 2020, Andy Lau adapted the song again and became "Gong Xi Fa Cai 2020". It may be that the partner and partner of this cooperation are not as professional as Li Yuchun in singing, and the overall arrangement has not been adjusted much. But in terms of lyrics, changes have been made to suit the times, and keywords like 5G have become elements in the lyrics. 

At first, the audience thought it was just a pure partnership. Unexpectedly, when the movie was released, the audience realized that this collaboration was not accidental, but that he finally made a cameo appearance as the mysterious villain Q in the movie. 

Of course, Andy Lau’s signature hit song has not only been exposed in these films. In 2021, he wrote and directed his own film and television works, and invited his former idols to sing the movie’s theme song "God’s Will 2021". The context in the lyrics also caters to the scene of the protagonist in the movie. 

This kind of lyric fit to the plot of the movie does not stop there. In 2022, Andy Lau and the chorus sang the song "Still a Stupid Child". After this chorus, the movie "Miracle" was also renamed and became what it is today. 

Why are these connections always Andy Lau? His behavior in the entertainment industry for many years can definitely be regarded as both virtuous and artistic, and it has also attracted the pursuit of many people.

The "love" for Andy Lau is even more obvious to all, from the jokingly called "Mrs. Lau" to the "asking for cooperation" on variety shows. Perhaps this behavior is just a glimpse of fan behavior. In the movie’s promotional film "Looking for Andy Lau", this "everyone loves Andy Lau" behavior is also displayed with some interesting behaviors.

Just like at the end of a movie, the heroine finally saw Andy Lau’s concert, giving her story a new dimension. 

But why is it always Andy Lau? Perhaps it is his every behavior since he has been in the movie that makes everyone really love him. His efforts from being a "stupid child" to now supporting newcomers.

Even said: Andy Lau is the most "loaned" person in the Hong Kong film industry. When people in the industry encounter bottlenecks in the script or lack of investment, they always come to Andy Lau, and Andy Lau can always contribute and pay.

If there is such a person in the entertainment industry, who doesn’t love him?

What are the highlights of the Geely Galaxy L7, which will be launched on May 31?

Recently, the car fast review learned from Geely Automobile that on May 31, Geely Galaxy L7 will be officially launched, with a total of three models. At present, the relevant configuration information of the new car has been circulated on the Internet.

As a blockbuster model launched by Geely this year, the Galaxy L7 is regarded as one of the most powerful competitors of BYD Song PLUS DM-i. What are the highlights of the new car in terms of configuration? After collecting relevant information, the car review is as follows:

First of all, in the intelligent configuration, Galaxy L7 models come standard with 10.25-inch full LCD instrument panel, 13.2-inch central control screen, 16.2-inch co-pilot entertainment screen, Geely Galaxy N OS car system and automatic speech recognition system, built-in Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 car chip. Support 4G network, OTA upgrade, WiFi hotspot.

In addition to the entry-level model, the medium and high-end models are equipped with Bluetooth keys, traffic sign recognition, L2-level assisted driving, lane centering, collision warning and active braking functions. The top model can also be equipped with an optional HUD head-up display that supports AR function and a fatigue driving reminder;

In fact, all models in the comfort configuration are equipped with a leather steering wheel, leather seats, electric adjustment of the main driver’s seat, second row seat back adjustment, front and rear center armrests, rear cup holders, automatic air conditioning, and PM2.5 filtration devices.

On the medium and high-end models, it is also equipped with wireless charging of the front mobile phone, waist adjustment of the main driver’s seat, leg rest adjustment of the passenger seat, ventilation heating and massage of the front seat, front seat memory function, Yanfei Lishi headrest audio, car ambient light, in-car fragrance device, panoramic sunroof that can be opened, induction wipers and electric induction trunk;

Furthermore, it is the safety configuration. All models are equipped with 360-degree panoramic images, 540-degree transparent chassis, main and passenger seat airbags, front side airbags and front and rear radars.

Similarly, the front and rear head airbags and adaptive LED near and far lights are also available on mid-to-high-end models.

Finally, on the power, all models are equipped with a 1.5T hybrid special engine and Geely Automobile’s new Raytheon hybrid 8848 power system, equipped with a lithium iron phosphate battery in Ningde Times, and matched with a 3-speed DHT hybrid special transmission. The entry-level model has a pure electric battery life of 55 kilometers, and the other two models have a pure electric battery life of 115 kilometers.

All three models support fast charging and external discharge functions, with a zero-hundred acceleration of 6.9 seconds and a fuel consumption of 5.23 liters at a loss of 100 kilometers. When fully charged, the comprehensive cruising range of the pure electric battery life 55-kilometer version is 1310 kilometers, and the comprehensive cruising range of the pure electric battery life 115-kilometer version can reach 1370 kilometers.

Regarding the price, there are rumors that the starting price of Galaxy L7 will be 140,000 yuan, and the answer will be officially announced in two days.

Wang Jianlin’s wealth shrinkage is still due to the fact that he is the first person to escape the top, Wang Jianlin’s path to wealth!

Recently, media reports on the latest developments in the wealth of China’s richest man, Wang Jianlin, pointed out that his wealth has shrunk from 220 billion yuan at its peak to 47 billion yuan at present, a decrease of nearly 5 times. Despite the huge decline in wealth, Wang Jianlin’s achievement is still particularly outstanding in China’s real estate industry. Looking back at the changes in China’s real estate industry in recent years, many peers such as Sunac’s Sun Hongbin and Evergrande’s Xu Jiayin are facing more severe challenges, and their companies have encountered debt defaults and broken capital chains.

Wanda Group, at the helm of Wang Jianlin, has shown forward-looking decision-making at a time when China’s real estate industry is facing difficulties. Six years ago, he foresaw the latent risks in the industry and decisively announced a business transformation. Wanda Group’s move to package up a large amount of land and projects was considered bold at the time, but from today’s perspective, it is a rather successful "escape" in business history.

The history of China’s market economy is relatively short, especially in the real estate sector, and many companies lack sufficient risk management experience in smooth sailing. It is this over-expansion that has led to the breaking of many companies’ capital chains and financial crises. In this context, Wanda’s transformation can be said to have successfully avoided the situation of total annihilation. However, transformation is not easy, especially for a large-scale commercial real estate company. Wanda’s transformation faces many challenges, including a bet agreement with investors of up to 30 billion yuan, and various uncertainties in the context of the changing economic macro environment.

Although Wang Jianlin’s wealth has shrunk, in such a market environment, he still shows the wisdom and persistence of entrepreneurs. Although Wanda faces challenges, it is not broken, but is trying to find a new way to survive and develop. The future development of Wanda Group is still full of variables, but Wang Jianlin’s experience and decision-making undoubtedly provide important inspiration for Chinese entrepreneurs: in the fluctuation of the market, predictive decision-making and flexible adaptability are the keys to the survival and development of enterprises. As Wanda Group continues its transformation path, we have reason to believe that there will always be more solutions than difficulties, and there will always be hope in the future.

The police said that Mingdao brother killed his wife and children violently, and the last words in his mobile phone were exposed

On January 5, the news that actor Ming Dao’s brother committed suicide after strangling his wife and children shocked the Taiwan entertainment industry.

It is reported that the Neihu police in Taipei City received a report from the public on the 5th, saying that three bodies were found in the mountainous area of Antai Street with ligature marks on the neck. After receiving the report, the police dispatched supervisors and sealed off the scene, confirming that the three deceased were a husband and wife surnamed Lin and a child, and the male deceased was Ming Dao’s brother.

The police found in the phone of the man surnamed Lin that he had revealed his intention to die to a friend, saying that he owed tens of millions of dollars in debt, and his family blamed "I don’t want to live for a long time, I want to die". The police speculated that the man surnamed Lin strangled his wife and son because he could not pay the debt, and then hanged himself.

Then the police also revealed more details.

On the 5th, at noon, Mingdao brother, his wife Chen, and his junior son (12 years old) rode a motorcycle to the front of the Ford Palace, Lane 191, Antai Street, Inner Lake District. They parked the locomotive, and then followed the mountaineering trail next to them. After walking about 200 meters, Lin Nan walked into the barge next to the mountaineering trail and went down to the bamboo forest next to the hillside.

Lin Nan tied his son and wife’s necks with an electrician’s strap and strangled them to death. The children’s necks oozed blood on both sides of their necks, and Lin Nan hanged himself. The means are very fierce and cruel.

The Mingdao brother seemed to have already thought about the funeral. When the police arrived, they found that his mobile phone was fully charged and unlocked. Then the police found his conversation with his friends and revealed that he was in debt and was forced to pay. He bluntly said that he did not want to live.

After the incident, Mingdao responded to the incident and confirmed the news that his brother had committed suicide with his wife and children.

Mindao said: "The current situation in Mindao is very shocking and sad. I don’t know anything about this case and am trying to understand what happened. However, because I respect the law that the prosecutors’ investigation is not public, I can only speak to the police in the future. I will try my best to assist the prosecutors in sorting out the truth and comfort the family."

Mingdao’s father has also arrived at the police station, and a female family member has also appeared. It is reported that she is Mingdao’s sister. She is extremely unstable and burst into tears at the scene.

In this regard, netizens felt sorry for Ming Dao, feeling that he was too unlucky to meet this family.

In 2013, Mingdao’s brother borrowed money everywhere in the name of his younger brother. The creditor once had an event to ask Mingdao to collect debts in person. Mingdao could only repay 6 million of debts for his brother. At that time, Mingdao once described his brother as a "time bomb in the family" at a press conference. However, Mingdao’s brother still did not stop his gambling habit. In 2016, the same situation occurred. Mingdao had to issue a statement to make his brother responsible.

It was well known that Ming Dao’s family was not well off. His parents supported the family by selling vegetables in the early years, but later became indebted due to business failure. He made his debut at the age of 18 to pay off debts, and then took charge of the family’s life.

Of course, the reason why Ming Dao was so caring and attentive to his brother was also because he had been kind to his brother. It is reported that Ming Dao once revealed that he had muscle weakness when he was in kindergarten, and he relied on his brother to carry him to and from school every day, which made him very grateful. When his brother grew up and got married, he also took care of the marriage expenses. It can be seen that the relationship between brothers is very deep.

Now that such a thing happened, it was very surprising. But as netizens said, it was not a disaster for his wife and children, and Brother Mingdao’s extremism was really shocking.

The fourth season of "The Life of Yearning" is set for May 8, and the mushroom house "has to live well every day"

Hunan Satellite TV’s fourth season of "Yearning for Life" – Caiyun, the feature film will be broadcast every Friday at 22:00 from May 8, 2020, and this season’s pilot film "Yearning for Life · Almost Began" will be the first to meet the audience on May 1. Today, the official main visual poster was released, and the four members of Huang Lei, He Jiong, Peng Yuchang and Zhang Zifeng gathered together and came to Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. The scenery here is beautiful and beautiful, with a variety of flowers and fruits and vegetables and a variety of cute animals. The four members of Mushroom House will start a new life in "South of Caiyun".

Huang Lei He Jiong Peng YuchangZhang Zifeng gathers at Mushroom House Sitting and watching the colorful clouds open a new chapter in the yearning life

In the fourth season, Huang Lei, He Jiong, Peng Yuchang and Zhang Zifeng walked into Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, and the main visual poster also added a bright Banna style. The "parents" of the mushroom house, Huang Lei and He Jiong, sat on the rattan chair with a pineapple in hand and smiled; the other was leaning the dog comfortably, full of warmth; the brother and sister of the mushroom house, Peng Yuchang and Zhang Zifeng, played with each other, and the atmosphere was relaxed and leisurely. Behind the four, the wooden hut with ethnic characteristics, the huge plantain leaves, the baskets with fresh pineapples and coconuts, and the surrounding flowers and plants all showed the unique scenery of the tropical rainforest, which made people fascinated.

This season, the four people of Mushroom House will join hands with guests to eat well and watch the smoke evaporate, exercise well and look at the pastoral scenery, study hard and hope for the future, live well and cherish the present time, so that "every day should be well" The life concept is passed on to everyone through the laughter and tenderness in the mushroom house.

Yunnan’s vegetable and fruit agricultural and sideline products are facing unsalable sales Viya helps farmers live broadcast activities

The fourth season of "Yearning for Life" continued to carry out the "helping farmers and helping farmers" public welfare activities to the end. During the recording, the guest members and program team of Mushroom House learned that the suspension of the opening of tourist attractions and dining venues has caused the fruits and related agricultural and sideline products originally grown during the peak tourism period to face slow sales, and the previous investment will also be wasted. Adhering to the tenet of "helping farmers and helping farmers" since the four seasons, the program team and guests quickly formulated a assistance plan and invited the famous live streaming host Viya to help farmers solve practical problems through live online sales. This move has also received strong support from the local government. Under the coordination and preparation of various parties, the live broadcast was officially launched at 21:00 on April 15. The 1-hour live broadcast event harvested more than 19.45 million online viewers, and sold a total of 195,759 agricultural products. The sales reached 5246,682.35 yuan, which will effectively benefit 1,750 villagers in 195 villages in Xishuangbanna. In the fourth season of the program, "Yearning" will continue to "show the countryside and help the countryside", and convey the warmth and goodwill between people.

The small courtyard of Mushroom House is about to open. What kind of beautiful memories will be left in the life of "South of Caiyun"? Is it a funny act in the farmland cottage? Or a warm story of laughter and tears intertwined during night talk around the furnace? Stay tuned to the fourth season of "The Life of Yearning" broadcast exclusively by Mango TV – Caiyun, which is about to hit on May 8th. If you want to find out in advance, stay tuned to the fourth season pilot film "The Life of Yearning", which will be broadcast first on May 1st. It’s about to begin.

Running Man’s new group pet is coming, Pentium T77 helps "Run 3" to run with vitality

In this spring of all things, have you moved? On April 10th, the "Run! T77" & Zhejiang Satellite TV "Run 3" column cooperation signing ceremony and media test drive meeting was successfully held in Hangzhou. T77 will be the official designated guest car to accompany the "Run 3" brother group Charm Run. On the day of the event, Liu Changqing, assistant general manager of China’s first car joint stock company and general manager of the car joint stock company, and Zhejiang Radio and Television Group Party Committee member, deputy editor-in-chief, and Zhejiang Satellite TV Party Secretary Chen Libo attended the signing ceremony together with Zhejiang Satellite TV leaders.

T77 both inside and outside to meet any posture of the running boy group

You know, there are many handsome men and beautiful women in the running men’s group. Despite this, the cool and handsome appearance of T77 is no less than that of the running men brothers. Whether it is the suspended roof that gives people a strong sense of strength and speed, or the deep and dazzling digital raindrop front grille, or the highly recognizable LED headlights all show the sports and fashionable temperament of T77. I believe that wherever T77 and the brothers go, they can become the most beautiful scenery in the eyes of others.

In addition to the eye-catching appearance, the interior of the T77 is also unambiguous at all. The double 12.3-inch through-screen large screen is full of technology, and the integrated sports seat has a comfort comparable to that of a sports car… Such a personalized and practical interior allows the running men group to enjoy a comfortable and good time after a moment of rest.

In addition to its handsome appearance and extravagant interior, the T77 is also the world’s first 3D holographic intelligent control SUV, which perfectly realizes the interoperability between the car and life, and fully meets the needs of the running man group brothers to play cool and funny in the show.

Not only that, after the signing ceremony, on the way to the test drive of Xixi National Wetland Park, the T77 is equipped with a 230 TID engine, equipped with a 7-speed DCT wet dual-clutch automatic transmission, which takes into account high power and economy, and the road conditions are free to gallop So easy! It seems that if you want to become the pet of the running men brothers, you still need hard power!

Innovative marketing attracts attention, new play is different YOUNG!

In fact, it has already started its own innovative marketing footsteps. In July last year, it held the first big coffee fan happy party of "Drunk Grassland, Indulge", leading riders to enjoy the fun of horseback riding and archery; in September, a "7 borders, just to control" T77 3D immersive scene painting activity, using 3D scene painting to create a fun 3D graffiti feast.

In early April this year, it also joined Xiaomi to give a big gift to rice noodles who love life and enjoy life – T77 rice noodles customized version, making Xiao Ai an indispensable virtual life assistant in rice noodles’ car life. At the same time, it also entered the online retail market through the new channel of Xiaomi Youpin, changing the traditional car consumption concept with a new online platform.

Today, with the cooperation of "Run 3", T77 has become the official designated car of the "Run 3" program, which can be said to be the continuation and upgrade of innovative marketing. Through Zhejiang Satellite TV, a reality show that is deeply loved by young people, it has once again accurately found the target consumer group.

The hit screen of "Run" has awakened the sports cells in the bodies of millions of viewers. The spirit of hard work, unity and love of the running men brothers in the program is also highly in line with the "enterprising" brand spirit. In the future, I hope that through the program, the brand vitality can be transmitted to a wider range of social groups. I believe that T77 will definitely start a different charm journey for "Run 3" and the running men brothers!

Peng Yuyan’s "Huang Feihong" bed scene exposed, Wang Luodan denied that the shape was ugly

    1905 movie network news
On September 22, the film (hereinafter referred to as ") held a press conference in Wuzhen, where it was filmed. Director Zhou Xianyang appeared with the stars Peng Yuyan, Wang Luodan, Jing Boran and Zhang Jin. A" burst version "trailer was also exposed that day, and Peng Yuyan and Angelababy’s bed scenes were also exposed. He laughed that he had less experience in bed scenes and more experience in fighting scenes. The film will be released on November 21.

Peng Yuyan admitted that he had no experience in shooting bed scenes, and Jing Boran hid in the toilet and blew the air conditioner when practicing

    In the trailer, Peng Yuyan and Angelababy’s bed scenes are just beginning to emerge. When asked if he felt a little embarrassed during filming, Peng Yuyan first used the director as a shield, "Heroes have a lot of dreams. I don’t know what the director’s dream is to shoot this part. Everyone will know when they go to the cinema." He also said that his relationship scenes with Angelababy and Wang Luodan in the play are complete, but his experience in shooting bed scenes is relatively small. "I have more experience in filming, but less experience in bed scenes. When I shoot, it’s okay. I wear less clothes, and actresses wear more."

    "Huang Feihong" was filmed in Wuzhen in June last year. At that time, the weather was very hot, and all the creators said that they were sweating before they started work every day. Jing Boran even revealed that he had hidden in the toilet to blow the air conditioner. "There is no air conditioner in the training room, but there is in the toilet. Every time I take a break, I hide in the toilet for ten minutes and twenty minutes." He also said that he had sweated less in the first two decades of his life than in the month when he was filming, and the director also wore at least five clothes for him, just to look stronger.

    The weather was so hot at that time, and Jing Boran looked forward to finishing the martial arts practice with his master every time, but every time he could hear Peng Yuyan shouting "Teacher, I can practice for an extra hour" next door, and the pressure increased.

Wang Luodan responded that the ancient costume was too ugly: The director just took a fancy to me and wasn’t that beautiful

    In "Huang Feihong", Wang Luodan played the role of a chivalrous woman for the first time, and her first scene was to kill people in a small alley. "I shot very quickly, and I could hardly see it. The director asked me to show the meaning of’I will kill you ‘with my eyes, so this time I killed people with my eyes."

    Previously, Wang Luodan’s style in the TV series was frequently complained of being too ugly, and some netizens said she looked like a costume version of Ge You. This time in "Huang Feihong", Wang Luodan once again appeared in ancient costumes, which inevitably made people question whether the style has beauty. When the media mentioned this on the same day, Wang Luodan immediately answered like a barrage, "Everyone’s aesthetics are different. Only when there is attention can there be a topic, and only when there is a topic can there be an audience rating." Wei Zifu "was filmed for my uncle and aunt, and the people who criticized may not be the audience. In fact, it is normal to criticize, but suddenly the Internet criticized you in an all-out way, and suddenly it was all gone. I am also very surprised. Can you help me analyze what happened?" Wang Luodan also said that the hairstylist this time is the same person as the hairstylist of "Wei Zifu", and she thinks it looks good, but it seems that the director chose her to play because she is "not so beautiful." Director Zhou Xianyang immediately denied it after listening, "You misunderstood me, I think you are very beautiful."