Samuel Hung: Economic development should really come from "punching and kicking"

  China News Agency Yunfu, February 24th, title: Hong Jinbao: Yunfu’s development should really "punch and kick"

  China News Agency reporter, Huang Yaohui

  "I’m not a businessperson, I’m just an artist, an actor who makes kung fu movies," Hong Jinbao, an international superstar, said in an interview with China News Agency reporters at the three meetings of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Yunfu City on the 24th. "Economic construction is the same as making kung fu movies. Only real’punches and kicks’ will be effective."

  Hong Jinbao, nickname "Sanmao", was born in Hong Kong in 1949 and was originally from Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. He officially entered the film industry at the age of 16. He is famous as a kung fu actor and has the reputation of "Jackie Chan’s eldest brother". According to reports, including editor, director and producer, Hong Jinbao has more than 190 works.

  The "five big and three rough" brother Hong is enthusiastic about charity, and he still adopts forty orphans in Yulin, Guangxi.

  Brother Hong said that Yunfu has been here many times, and each time the feeling is different. He said that Yunfu’s urban construction is like a boxer’s movements, and every time he arrives in Yunfu, it gives people a new sense of beauty.

  On the topic of how to promote Yunfu to the world, the 103-kilogram brother Hong gestured to the reporter with kung fu movements very nimbly, saying that Yunfu is the "stone capital of China" and the youngest city in Guangdong Province, which is rich in natural resources and has a wide range of popularity. After saying that, Hong Jinbao suddenly stretched out a clenched fist to the reporter and said that concentrating his advantages and fighting out will definitely attract people.

  Hong Jinbao pointed to his clenched fist and explained that this "fist" has both Yunfu’s own advantages and the benefits of social celebrities who participate in Yunfu’s economic construction. Brother Hong said that the "fist" that is fought has "explosive power" and "lethal power".

  It is understood that last year Yunfu finished with a gross domestic product of 31.98 billion yuan, an increase of 10.2 percent over the same period; the per capita disposable income of urban residents was 12,339 yuan, an increase of 5.8 percent, and the per capita net income of rural residents was 5,491 yuan, an increase of 13.8 percent.

  In the next five years, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, and Bank of China will allocate 55.3 billion yuan in credit lines to Yunfu to deal with the global financial crisis.

  In an interview, Hong Jinbao kicked his leg sideways and smiled at the reporter, saying that the modern city of Yunfu has already started, and if you seize the opportunity and use "all kinds of kung fu", you can consolidate the achievements and achieve the desired goal.

  He said Yunfu was a "kung fu field" where businesspeople and companies from all walks of life "punched and kicked". (End)

Editor in charge: Liu Haifeng