Science and technology innovation board Evening News

  The main contents of today’s science and technology innovation board Evening News include: Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: PromotingCollaborative development of infrastructure and intelligent networked vehicles; Yu Chengdong: It is planned to deliver more than 30,000 sets of new M7 every month after January next year, and an invitation has been sent to Sijie. A new generation of general-purpose processors independently developed by China was released in Beijing.

  [Hotspot Focus]


  Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: Promoting the Coordinated Development of Infrastructure and Intelligent Networked Vehicles

  The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued guidance on comprehensively promoting the construction of urban comprehensive transportation system. By 2025, the comprehensive transportation system of cities around the country will be further improved, the layout of facilities network will be more perfect, and the operational efficiency, overall benefit and intensive, intelligent and green level will be significantly improved; By 2035, a modern urban comprehensive transportation system with people’s satisfaction, complete functions, efficient operation, intelligence, green, safety and resilience will be basically built in all localities. Implement intelligent transformation of urban transportation infrastructure. Promote "multi-pole integration and multi-box integration", build a smart pole column integrating various devices and functions, and collect dynamic and static traffic data. Promote the coordinated development of infrastructure and intelligent networked vehicles, transform and upgrade roadside facilities, build intelligent roads that support diversified applications, and explore the construction of "holographic road networks" in key areas. Support the research on key technologies of intelligent road engineering, and study and formulate relevant standards and specifications to meet the needs of urban road intelligent construction and vehicle-road collaborative projects.

  Shanghai green card is further tightened? Some sales said that the second Shanghai brand will be auctioned, and some car companies will catch up with the window to seek increment.

  According to Shanghai’s previously released "Shanghai encourages the purchase and use"Automobile Implementation Measures, Shanghai consumers can apply for a special license for free when purchasing pure electric vehicles before December 31 this year, and there is still more than one month left before the expiration of this policy. "The policy of buying pure electric vehicles to send green cards in Shanghai next year should be adjusted to some extent. According to the news we have received, green cards may also participate in the auction mode like blue cards. If there is a buffer period for the policy of buying a car for free, it will probably be postponed until June next year. " A car salesman in Shanghai who asked not to be named told reporters. A number of automobile brand salespeople said that the new energy license in Shanghai next year will be adjusted, and consumers are encouraged to seize the window period to buy cars. "One possible form of change is that, taking a family as a unit, if any member of the family already has a Shanghai brand (including a blue-green license), then the second Shanghai brand needs to participate in the auction. If the family does not have a Shanghai brand, buying a pure electric car should continue to send a license. " The above car sales staff said.

  Shenzhen: Highlight the development of new energy vehicles andIndustry seizes the commanding heights of green and low-carbon industries.

  Shenzhen held to accelerate progress.At the conference, Meng Fanli, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, stressed the need to speed up the development of intelligence, greening and integration. Work hard on intelligence, promote digital transformation, and vigorously promoteInnovate applications, improve digital infrastructure and service system, and build a digital city. Work hard on greening, strengthen the development concept of low-carbon, zero-carbon and decarbonization, vigorously develop circular economy, accelerate the development of low-carbon energy conservation and emission reduction in various industries, highlight the development of new energy vehicles and industries, and seize the commanding heights of green and low-carbon industries.

  Yu Chengdong: It is planned to deliver more than 30,000 sets of new M7 every month after January next year, and an invitation has been sent to Sijie.

  Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei and chairman of BU, a smart car solution, said at today’s new product launch conference of Zhijie S7 and Huawei, "Wenjie new M7 sold more than 100,000 units in just two and a half months after its listing, creating a new historical record for China’s automobile industry. The delivery of the new M7 is accelerating. It is possible to deliver 16,000 to 18,000 units this month, and it is planned to deliver more than 23,000 units next month. I hope that from January next year, more than 30,000 units will be delivered every month. We are working hard to increase production capacity and let everyone get the car early. "

  Yu Chengdong also said that two "boundary" products, BAIC and JAC, are already in the process of development. Huawei hasChery, JAC and BAIC issued an invitation for equity opening, and hoped that China FAW Group would join.

  Kechuang 100The total scale exceeded 22 billion yuan, and the scale surged by 10 billion yuan after its establishment.

  Under the guidance of this year’s small, medium-sized and micro-disk styles, Kechuang 100ETF, which was listed this year, is favored by funds. At present, the total distribution scale of seven products has reached 12.5 billion yuan, and the distribution scale of many products has exceeded 2 billion yuan. As of November 27, the total scale of seven products has reached 22.1 billion yuan, an increase of nearly 10 billion over the establishment scale, with an increase of 77%.

  A new generation of general-purpose processors independently developed by China was released in Beijing.

  A new generation of domestic CPU-Godson 3A6000 was released in Beijing today. According to reports, Godson 3A6000 adopts the instruction system and architecture independently designed by China, without relying on any foreign authorized technology. It is a new generation of general-purpose processor independently developed and controlled by China, and can run various cross-platform applications to meet various large-scale and complex desktop application scenarios. Its launch indicates that China’s self-developed CPU has reached a new height in terms of autonomous controllability and product performance, and its performance has reached the international mainstream product level. At the same time, Loongson 2P0500, the printer master control chip, is also launched, which is the first printer master control chip based on autonomous instruction system in China. As the core control component in the printing/scanning machine, the successful research and development of Loongson 2P0500 will help promote more domestic printers to the market.


  Wisdom S7 released! Huawei accelerates cooperation with automobile OEMs.

  Behind Didi’s "Flash Crash": Suspected that the underlying system was attacked | Focus

  Huawei P70 shipment is expected to exceed expectations, such as multiplying cameras, titanium alloys, etc. or becoming a bright spot. Can a new rotation machine be expected?

  The forecast overestimated the net profit by nearly 7 million yuan.Be warned by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau

  [science and technology innovation board

  : The company and relevant personnel received the warning letter from Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau.

  Announcement, received from China on November 27th.Decision of Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau on Taking Measures to Issue Warning Letters to Xinhai Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Lu Guojian and Tan Lanlan issued by Shenzhen Supervision Bureau (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau").

  Eft: WFC, a wholly-owned subsidiary, sold 1% of GME51% for 19.53 million euros.

  Eft announced that EFORT W.F.C. Holding S.p.A (hereinafter referred to as "WFC"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, intends to sell its 51% equity of GME Aerospace Indú striade Material Composto S.A. (hereinafter referred to as "GME") to Spectre S.r.l at a price of 19.53 million euros. If the equity sale is completed, the proportion of GME held by WFC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, will be reduced from 99.99% to 48.99%, and GME will no longer be included in the company’s consolidated statements.

  : It is planned to sign a patent transfer with Huazhong Agricultural University.

  Announcement: After competitive negotiation with Huazhong Agricultural University, Huazhong Agricultural University has decided to transfer the patent right of "a variant strain of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus that does not depend on trypsin and its construction and application" to the company, and plans to sign a patent right transfer contract for the above patents. The company needs to pay 2 million yuan to Huazhong Agricultural University for the above patent right transfer.

  [Issue Review Dynamic]

  Update on the status of a company to be listed in science and technology innovation board.

  As of press time, a total of 936 companies’ applications for listing in science and technology innovation board have been accepted. Today, one company’s approval status has been updated, and Shangyangtong has inquired.


  Wind vane]

  Diss Microelectronics completed the B round of 520 million financing.

  Recently, Dice Microelectronics, a photomask manufacturer, completed the B round of 520 million financing, which was funded by CICC Capital and CITIC., Hengzi and other institutions participate together. This round of financing funds will be used for the 28nm production capacity construction of Wuxi Disi high-end mask project.

  Weiche completed hundreds of millions of new financing.

  Recently, Weiche received a special investment of 200 million yuan jointly established by Yuhang Guotou Group and other institutions. Weiche is an automobile retail platform in third-and fourth-tier cities. It has working experience in automobile host manufacturers, automobile dealers and Internet technology, and is committed to building a retail model of online e-commerce platform and offline new car direct purchase stores.

  Beichen Innovation Completed Billion-level A Round Financing

  Recently, Beichen Innovation completed the billion A round financing from Lenovo, Zhejiang University Zhongkong, Shanghai Liding and other institutions. Beichen Innovation is a family.And the research and development manufacturer of cathode materials, the company has the platform technology to produce phosphate series precursors, and has realized the thousand-ton mass production and delivery of lithium manganese phosphate precursors.

  Muchuang integrated circuit won hundreds of millions of B round investment.

  Muchuang IC has received hundreds of millions of B-round investments, including Ant Group and Xinshang Capital, a subsidiary of Taihu New Town Group. The company is a company specializing in integrated circuit design andThe company is committed to becoming a reconfigurable security acceleration and intelligent network chip provider for cloud, network and terminal.