The woman’s eyeball was ruptured when the kiln soda was placed in the refrigerator? The manufacturer responded: communicating, docking, and following up.

China Quality News Network (Reporter, Pang He) Recently, a woman in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, said that she had bought soda online in a general supermarket and exploded when she went home to put it in the refrigerator. Her right eye was injured and she had undergone two surgeries.


Image source: Pepper point video screenshot

The relevant video information shows that the explosive is a glass bottle of large kiln soda, and the bottle body in the photo has been broken. One of the pictures suspected of diagnostic proof shows that the patient’s right eye has ruptured and his condition is serious.


Image source: Pepper point video screenshot

On August 24, the reporter contacted a staff member of Inner Mongolia Dayao Beverage Co., Ltd. The other party said that "the matter is being communicated, and the parties have been contacted, connected, and are following up."

When a reporter asked why the soda exploded, the other party said: "This is already a special person docking, you can leave a contact number for the relevant departments to respond." As of press time, the company had not responded to the matter.